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“Naw, let them sleep,” a slightly deeper male voice whispered back. “We should definitely take some photos though—they might come in handy later.”

“Good idea.”

Agnes wasn’t sure where she was, or how she’d gotten there, but it felt great. She was warm, and secure, and…happy. Well, apart from the whispering voices that irritated the edge of her consciousness.

“They look so cute together,” the female voice said. “Is it normal to sleep like that when you aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“How would I know?” The male’s voice turned gruff.

“I’m only asking. And I figured you’d know because you totally want Zoe to be your girlfriend. Oh, Zoe, my Zoe, I love you, Zoe.” She heard kissing noises.

“Stop it.” The other voice grew louder. “Seriously, quit it, or you’ll regret it.”

Agnes knew that voice. She struggled out of the depths of sleep, trying to remember. Oh, yeah, it was Drew, Logan’s son. She started to smile and froze. Her eyes shot open, and she was confronted by the sight of Drew putting his sister into a choke hold.

“What the hell?” Her voice sounded like rough sandpaper on wood.

A deep groan came from behind her. “Go back to sleep.” And an arm tightened around her waist.

Logan. She’d been asleep with Logan. In the same room as his kids? This didn’t make sense. Where was the caffeine? She needed it—badly.

“Oh, good, you’re awake,” Darcy said as Drew released her. “We have to go to school, but we wanted to say goodbye first.”

Agnes barely heard her. She was too busy looking around the room. She was in Logan’s living room, on the sofa—spooning with Logan. With a groan, she shoved his arm away and tried to climb off the sofa. But the damn thing wouldn’t let her go. Her legs kicked uselessly in the air as she fought for the momentum to get up.

“What are you doing?” Logan grumbled.

“I don’t know,” Drew said. “But it’s entertaining.”

“She’s stuck. I saw a tortoise do that once when it was upside down on its shell. Its wee legs were too tiny to get to back up the right way,” Darcy said helpfully as she took pity on Agnes and offered a hand to get her up.

Agnes grasped it like a lifeline. Standing beside the kids, she checked what she was wearing—still the suit she’d arrived in last night. Thank goodness!

“This is not what it looks like,” she said to them as she finger-combed her hair.

“It looked like you and Dad were cuddling,” Darcy said, her innocent, wide-eyed look not fooling anyone.

“What’s going on?” Logan propped himself up on an elbow. Thankfully, he was wearing a T-shirt under the blanket that had covered them.

“We’re going to school,” Drew said.

“And you’re cuddling on the sofa with Agnes,” Darcy added with a delighted smile. “Why are you on the sofa?”

Now that was an excellent question. Agnes watched as Logan ran a hand through his hair. “Because Heather and Jean crashed in my bed, saying it was too late to go home. Margaret went next door with Gran. And the only place left to sleep was here.”

“With Agnes,” Darcy pointed out cheerfully.

“It’s all perfectly innocent.” Agnes tried for her ‘don’t mess with me’ tone but couldn’t quite pull it off. “Obviously, we had to share.”

“Or,” Drew said with a grin, “he could have slept on the pullout bed in my room.”

“There’s a pullout?” Agnes screeched at Logan, who shrugged and smiled.

“Does this mean you’re his girlfriend now?” Darcy asked.

“No. No, it just means we slept together.” Oh, that sounded bad. And judging by the grins on Logan’s and Drew’s faces, it would come back to haunt her. “Okay, you two need to get to school.” She shooed them out of the room. “Do you have everything you need? Lunchboxes? Water bottles? Homework?”
