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It was too late to take it back, so she shook her head at the same time as she wedged her hands between her knees to keep from touching him. “I had my sisters. We did everything together.” More out of necessity than anything else. “There wasn’t time to make other friends.”

“Once you’re settled in one place, you can make the time.”

For some reason, the reminder she planned to leave sat heavily on her chest, making it hard to breathe. She searched for something to talk about, anything that would take her mind off the feeling crushing her chest.

“It’s going to snow.” She pointed to the heavy gray clouds hanging low over the town.

“If it does, you have to build a snowman with me,” Logan said. “And have a snowball fight. Is it a deal?”

“I don’t like being cold.”

As they turned into the hotel carpark, his dark gaze caught hers. “I could warm you up afterward,” the wicked man said.

Oh, she was sure he could. Just being in the car with him made her feel pretty warm. His proximity was driving her nuts, making her want to touch and taste when she’d resolved to keep her distance. Of course, spending the night curled up in his arms hadn’t helped her plan any.

“It’s playing in the snow, Agnes,” he said when she didn’t answer. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise. And if you don’t, I’ll make you some hot chocolate to apologize for dragging you out into the cold.”

Damn, he was irresistible. “Okay,” she found herself agreeing.

As soon as they parked, Agnes opened the door to jump out, but Logan put a hand on her arm to stop her. “We are friends. You just don’t realize it because you’ve never had any, but I can teach you how to have friends.” He reached out and stroked her hair. “No matter what happens with us, learning how to be friends with someone will stand you in good stead for the future. Let me give you that.”

The future she’d have without him. Her stomach twisted.

“Friends don’t have sex.” The words erupted right out of her, something they seemed inclined to do these days.

“Some do.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t.” But her body screamed in protest at her words.

His fingers stilled on her hair. “Because it was too good?”

She nodded, her cheek brushing against his fingertips, the effect of his touch rippling through her whole body.

His gaze captured hers. “Some would say that we should do it again because it was so good.”

Her resolve wavered as her hands inched toward him.

“Why shouldn’t we have sex again, Agnes, love?” His voice, a low, sweet seduction, made her mouth water to taste him.

He was so close she could smell his unique scent, and she drew it into her lungs, holding it tight against her. Slowly, Logan reached past her and pulled her door shut. The heat of his body warmed her skin, making her long to curl into him and absorb it right into the heart of her so she’d never feel cold again. She was light-headed, every nerve in her body alert and aware of the man beside her.

“Tell me, Agnes, why can’t we sleep together?” His hand clasped the side of her throat, his thumb stroking in a way that mesmerized her.

“You are so beautiful,” she whispered. And it was true.

His lips quirked. “So are you.”

“Your lips are amazing.” Her gaze rested on them, remembering the feel of them against hers, against her body, and she shivered.

“They’re better when they’re on yours,” he whispered, a hair’s breadth away from her.

All she could do was whimper as her hands came up to curl into his jumper. “Maybe, we could kiss. I think kissing would be okay.”

“Aye, kissing sounds good,” he said, and then his lips were on hers.

The world around them swirled and disappeared as Logan deepened the kiss. It was a million times better than she remembered. Her body melted against him, and his arm wrapped around her, lending her his strength, keeping her upright.

“Tell me why we can’t have sex,” he whispered against her mouth, teasing her lips with his tongue between words.
