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“Hell, no! I mean heck…heck, no. The only way to deal with bullies is to hit back and hit harder. They thrive on fear. Never show them you’re scared. Plus, they count on you following the rules they don’t follow, like the one that says you shouldn’t hit people in school, and it gives them an advantage. She’s using your good nature against you. That’s why you need to hit back hard. One good punch, and she’ll never bother you again.”

It was tempting to tell her to punch that kid right in the throat, but that could kill Samantha, which was probably a step too far in dealing with a bully. Although…this was a bully who dared to mess with Darcy, and that made Agnes furious. She hadn’t felt this angry since her sisters had been picked on. She’d always felt a ferocious fury when anyone messed with the people who belonged to her. Guess that meant Darcy was hers too.

She waited for the feeling of responsibility to squash her, but all she felt was a sense of rightness.

“Agnes, are you still going to teach me to fight?” Darcy said, making her smile.

“Was I thinking too much? That sometimes happens. I was wondering if I should go to the school and deal with this Samantha in person.”

Darcy cocked her head. “You look kind of murderous. Maybe it would be best if I tried hitting her first.”

“Fine,” Agnes conceded, “but if this doesn’t work, I’ll deal with it.”

Darcy got a scheming little look on her face. “Normally, only family are allowed to talk to the teachers about a kid. Does this mean you’re Dad’s girlfriend now?”

“I didn’t plan to talk to anyone, and I don’t see why we have to put a label on this thing with your dad. But fine. I’m his…” Yeah, she could

n’t say it. “Whatever. Come here so I can show you how to knock this girl into next week. Nobody messes with my people and gets away with it.”

And then she proceeded to show Darcy how to hit so damn hard, Samantha would end up in France.

“Dad?” Drew came up behind Logan as he stood in the hall, listening to Agnes instruct Darcy on the best way to pummel a girl in her class.

“Shh,” he whispered. “I’m eavesdropping.”

“I thought you said eavesdropping was wrong.”

“I meant when you two do it.”

Drew angled in beside him to peer through the crack in the door into the kitchen, where Agnes was explaining that if a good punch to the nose didn’t sort things, Darcy was to aim for the eyes.

“Dad, your girlfriend is kind of scary.” Drew grinned up at him. “It’s cool.”

Ah, like father, like son. Logan put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “It’s definitely cool,” he agreed.

“You’d better stay on her good side because if you get into a fight, she’ll kick your backside.”

Logan didn’t bother telling his son she already had.

“What’s going on anyway?” Drew said.

“Some kid in school has been hitting Darcy. Agnes is showing her how to hit back.”

Although, he was in two minds about Agnes’ plan. It was against school rules to hit another kid, but should it be if it was in self-defense? Did he really want to raise kids who were so frightened of stepping a foot out of line that they let everyone walk all over them? On the other hand, what if Darcy went wild and started bullying other kids? Naw, that would never happen.

“Somebody’s been hitting my sister?” Drew’s face was pure thunder. “Who? And why didn’t she tell me? I would have sorted them right out.”

“Because it’s a girl.”

He understood instantly. “I might not hit a girl, but I could still scare the crap out of her.”

Logan wanted to say that wasn’t the right thing to do either, that boys shouldn’t go around threatening girls, but hell, the kid wanted to stand up for his sister.

“I wish parenting was clear-cut,” he said on a sigh. “Let’s see how Agnes’ method works before we step in.”

“You’re going to let Darcy hit this girl? Do you think she’ll be able to do it?”

They both peeked through the door again.
