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A minute later, he sauntered through from the kitchen. “What?”

“Want to move to Invertary?” The way she said it made it clear there was only one acceptable answer.

“Aye?” he said, looking bewildered.

“Good answer.” She held out her arms to him and, with an indulgent smile, he leaned down to kiss her before sauntering back out of the room. “Guess I’d better go house hunting,” Mairi said as she watched him leave.

“I wish we could all be in one place together again,” Donna said wistfully.

“One day,” Isobel said. “You never know. But in the meantime, we can visit lots.”

“I think it’s best if you two visit us, rather than the other way around,” Agnes said. “Seeing as you both married money and can afford to fly up here whenever you fancy.”

“True.” Donna grinned.

“Hey,” Mairi said. “I didn’t need to marry money. My business is going to make me a fortune. I’ve already got TV stations clamoring to interview me and geeks queuing up for me to find them a wife. I can afford flights to London on my own. Don’t worry,” she told Agnes. “I’ll pay for yours.”

“Thanks,” Agnes said drolly.

They lapsed into silence, each busy with their own thoughts. Looking around at her sisters, Agnes’ heart swelled. They’d done good, and she was proud of all of them.

“We made it,” she said. “We made it out of that house and away from those people who didn’t deserve us. We have families of our own, careers we can be proud of, and most important of all, we have each other.”

“Always,” Donna said firmly.

“You bet,” Mairi said.

“Don’t make me cry,” Isobel wailed.

A minute later, Callum rushed into the room. “Are you okay?” he demanded to know.

The four sisters had climbed onto the sofa and were hugging and crying in a huge puppy pile.

“I think they’re fine,” Logan said from behind Callum.

Agnes looked over at the man she loved and smiled through her tears.

She was so far past fine that it made her ache. And he was the reason why.

Chapter 26

“Why am I wearing a kilt?” Drew complained from the back seat as they drove into town to have dinner at the pub with Agnes’ family.

“Because,” Agnes said from the passenger seat, “I asked you to.”

“You didn’t ask,” Drew grumbled. “You handed it to me and gave me two choices, wear it or die.”

“And you chose wisely.” Agnes beamed. “I’m so proud of you.”

Hearing Darcy giggle, Logan caught her eye in the mirror and grinned. There was no messing with Agnes—she’d win every time. And from the way his girl had dealt with that bully who’d been harassing her, she was another Agnes in the making. He wasn’t really sure what he thought of that.

“This is so exciting,” Agnes said. “I can’t remember the last time I dressed up to go out.”

Logan reached for her hand. “You look gorgeous.”

“I should bloody well hope so.” She waved a hand down her body. “This took hours.”

Her pale green sheath dress shimmered in the light, showcasing her gorgeous figure with each step she took. Against Logan’s advice, she hadn’t put on her new snow boots, but wore delicate pink heels and carried a matching bag. She’d put pearls in her ears and draped several strands of them around her throat. Fake, she’d told him when he commented. One day, he’d replace them with the real thing, because Agnes glowed in pearls. Her messy, twisty, updo hairstyle looked sexy as hell, and her makeup made him want to see her face by candlelight. And, because the town was still covered in snow, she wore her big black padded coat over the whole thing.
