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He turned to his son but couldn’t get the question out of his mouth.

Drew answered it anyway. “Welcome to your wedding,” he said with a wide grin. “I’m the best man.”

“If he runs, I’ll puke all over your nice dresses,” Agnes told her sisters.

“He won’t run,” Mairi said. “He loves you. Everything is going to be fine. The room looks beautiful, and everyone’s in place, nothing is going to go wrong. Trust me.”

“Trust you? You’re the last person I should have asked to help organize this—chaos is your middle name.”

“So is romance.” Mairi looked pleased with herself. “I should put that on my business cards.”

“I see him,” Donna called from the door, where she was peeking into the room.

“Does he look mad?” Agnes wrung her hands. This was a dumb idea. The dumbest idea she’d ever had. Whatever had made her think she should stage a surprise Christmas wedding because her family would be in town? What if Logan didn’t want to marry her? He’d been married before, and that hadn’t turned out well. Maybe he didn’t want to do it again? Maybe she should have had this conversation before she talked Dougal into holding the wedding.

“He looks shocked,” Donna said. “The minister’s going over to talk to him.” She looked back at her sisters. “Can ministers date, or are they celibate like priests? Because that guy is seriously hot.”

Isobel smacked her on the back of the head. “Don’t let Duncan hear you say that, or he’ll go mental.” She waggled her eyebrows. “But Donna’s right. That minister is totally a ten.”

“What’s going on?” Agnes snapped. She was going to pass out at this rate. Who the hell cared how attractive the minister was? What she wanted to know was whether Logan had sprinted off or not.

“Oh,” Donna said, making Agnes’ stomach lurch. “The minister just signaled me.” She closed the door. “We’re good to go.”

Isobel burst into tears. “You’re getting married,” she wailed.

“Shh!” everyone, including Darcy, hissed at her. “We don’t want Callum running out here.”

“Sorry.” Isobel dabbed her eyes. “Hormones.”

“Okay.” Agnes looked at her sisters. “Okay. I’m getting married. I mean, I must be, right? The minister wouldn’t signal for me to walk down the aisle if Logan just wanted to talk.”

Darcy put a hand on her arm. “Dad loves you. We all do.”

“Damn it.” Agnes pulled the girl into a hug. “Now, I’m going to cry.”

“Don’t you dare ruin that makeup,” Mairi snapped. “Now, enough of this. Darcy, grab your flower basket, the music’s started. Do it exactly like we practiced this morning.”

“I’ve got this.” She took the basket of rose petals and pushed open the door.

“You ready?” said a male voice, and Agnes turned to find her nephew, Jack, standing beside her, his elbow cocked waiting for her.

She took it gratefully, marveling at how much taller he was than the last time she’d seen him. “I’m ready.”

“That’s our cue,” Donna said. “We go in by age. That means you’re up first, Isobel.”

Isobel kissed Agnes on the cheek, sniffed, and walked through the doors.

Donna smiled at Agnes. “I love you, sis,” she said before she followed.

“Do not screw up my perfect wedding,” Mairi warned before grinning. “Have fun!”

And then she was gone too. Leaving Agnes and Jack alone in the hall.

“I never thought I’d be this nervous,” she said.

“Having second thoughts? I can get you out of here if you need me to.”

She looked up into his beautiful, but very serious face. “The nerves are for Logan. I’m worried I’ve pushed him into this, and he doesn’t really want me.”
