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Megan calmly watched all this from the end of the corridor before reaching into her backpack.

Dimitri saw the move as he tried to get between Grunt and his prey. “You can’t shoot him.”

Ignoring him, she pulled two fully charged stun guns out of her bag and strode toward Grunt, stepping over Joe and Mitch and dodging everyone else.

“Now I know how the Black Widow feels when she tries to calm the Hulk,” she muttered.

Only, she didn’t plan on singing him a lullaby.

“Grunt,” she snapped, and his head swung toward her.

“Claire?” He seemed confused. And, not for the first time, Megan thanked God that she was an identical twin.

“Samuel,” she said, smiling sweetly. “I need you, honey.”

His face softened, and he took a step toward her. It was close enough. She shot out both arms and hit him with enough volts to take down Godzilla. His jaw clenched, his face turned red, his arms stiffened, and his eyes rolled back. And then, he toppled to the ground like a felled tree, hitting with a crash that reverberated throughout the building.

Megan stood over him as the men around her wiped blood from their faces and struggled to their feet. All but Joe. He was still out cold.

“Now would be a good time to sedate him,” Megan told the doctor. “He gets a bit upset when his wife’s in pain.”

The doctor gave her a wide-eyed look before nodding and running for the meds room.

Megan looked at her boss. “A syringe? That’s what you brought?”

Lake wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. “I didn’t want to fry his brain.”

She looked down at the man-mountain in front of her. “What brain?”

“Samuel,” Claire screeched. “Get these unnaturally big-headed babies out of me.”

“I’ll deal with my sister.” Megan stepped over Grunt. “If I were you, I’d cuff him to a chair, and anything else that will keep him down. You can sedate him, but who knows how long that will last.”

Lake cocked his head at two of his men, who warily set about cuffing Grunt’s hands behind his back.

“These are the last kids these two have,” Matt declared. Like he had any say in the matter. Honestly, her brother had a serious God complex.

Megan passed the men and strode into her sister’s room. The tension inside was worse than it was outside. Claire lay on the bed, knees up, face red and sweat pouring off her. She had a death grip on their mother’s hand, while the midwife checked the machines at the head of the bed.

As soon as Claire spotted Megan, she frowned. “Did you taze him?”

“Had to.” Megan strode toward her sister.

“Bloody men,” Claire said between pants. “I hate them. All of them. I hate their sperm. And their babies. And sex. I hate sex. I’m never having sex again.” Her head spun toward the midwife. “While my husband’s out, can you vasectomize him?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, honey,” their mother said, looking worried.

At that point, Claire went into full Exorcist spinning-head mode. “De-sex that man,” she shrieked. And then gasped with pain again.

Megan eyed the midwife. “Just curious, but would it hurt her and the babies if I used my stun gun on her?”

“Megan!” their mother snapped.

“I had to marry a giant,” Megan ranted once the contraction passed. “And have giant babies. Not one giant baby. But two. And where is the giant man who caused all this? He’s outside being a giant arse to everyone because he can’t deal with the pain. It isn’t even his pain.” She finished on a screech before her hand snapped out and she grabbed the midwife’s wrist. “I want a C-section. Now.”

As the midwife unpicked Claire’s fingers one at a time, there was a scuffle behind them. They turned to watch four men drag an unconscious Grunt into the room, prop him against the wall, and then cuff him to the radiator.

“That’s…unusual…” the midwife said.
