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“I’d better get it,” he said with a sigh.

“Mairi’s evil.” Sebastian shook his head. “You should have just done as you were told. Now, you’re going to suffer.”

Shooting a glare at his friend, Jonas headed for the door and threw it open.

It wasn’t his mother.

It was an Ewok.

The Ewok looked up at him with human eyes. “Aren’t we doing costumes? I thought you’d be dressed as a Wookiee. Now I feel overdressed.” The Ewok held up a phone. “Mairi said to come on up, that you were too nervous to meet in public. I totally get it. I was a bit nervous about meeting face to face for the first time too. Although, the costume helps. You were right about that.”

“Sadie?” Jonas said.

“Sorry.” The Ewok giggled and stuck out a paw. “Nice to meet you in person.”

Stunned, and more than slightly bewildered, Jonas shook the offered paw.

“Ewoks don’t carry lightsabers,” he said inanely.

“Oh, right.” She held it out to him. “I was hoping you’d take a look at it. The noises are all wrong, and you said you were technical. Is it the wrong type of technical? Did I make a mistake? I should have left it at home.”

“No!” He took the lightsaber. “I can look at it.”

“Great.” She shuffled her furry feet. “I have cupcakes too. It’s kind of dumb, I know, bringing cupcakes to a fancy hotel. But I make great cupcakes. These are caramel. You like caramel, right? I mean, everybody likes caramel. Don’t they?”

A voice shouted from behind him, “Invite her in, dumbass.” Reminding Jonas that Sebastian was still there.

Sadie giggled again, those pale eyes of hers sparkling from behind her fuzzy mask. Jonas couldn’t say another word; he’d been struck dumb by her appearance. He just swung the door wide and motioned her inside. Then watched in bewilderment as she waddled into his home. A cute little fuzzy teddy bear with a massive round belly and a pink shopping bag full of cupcakes.

“I’m Sebastian; I was just leaving,” his friend said as he stood. “And you’re an Ewok. Cool costume. Did I hear you say cupcakes?”

“Would you like one?” the Ewok, no, Sadie, said.

“If there’s enough,” replied the greedy pig, practically drooling.

As Sebastian reached for the bag, his phone rang. He glanced at the display. “It’s for you,” he told Jonas as he tossed the phone at him.

Jonas had followed Sadie into his living room, feeling somewhat dazed as he did so. He snatched the phone out of the air and looked at the screen. Surprise, surprise, it was Mairi.

“Please tell me y

ou’ve let her into the apartment?” she said when he answered the call.

Jonas turned his back on the people in his home. “How did you get her past the front desk?”

“I’m not telling you. Now be nice to that woman.” There was a pause. “You still like her, right?”

The note of uncertainty in Mairi’s voice unnerved him. “She dressed as an Ewok for our date,” he whispered.

“You more than like her,” Mairi said with a smile in her voice. “I’ll call later for a debrief. Just be yourself, Jonas. You’re perfect just the way you are.” And with that, she hung up.

“I’m out of here,” Sebastian said as he passed him, a cupcake in his hand. He took his phone from Jonas. “I like her. And she makes great cupcakes.” With a waggle of his eyebrows and a knowing smile, Sebastian disappeared into the foyer. The sound of the door closing behind him reverberated through the almost empty apartment. Jonas was alone with his blind date.

And, strangely enough, he didn’t feel anxious about it. He was on his home turf, and she’d dressed up, just for him. Slowly, he made his way into the kitchen area and found her trying to unload cupcakes with two furry paws for hands.

“Let me.” He took the bag from her and placed the cakes on a plate.

“Shouldn’t I have come up here?” Sadie said through her mask. “Mairi said it was okay.”
