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“Sorry,” Megan mouthed at him.

The barrel of the gun brushed over her cheek. Dimitri fought back rage at the sight. He had to be rational. For Megan’s sake. He was stupid. So fucking stupid for walking her into this.

“I found something that belongs to you.” Johnny’s accent was pure East London. He had at least a foot of height on Megan and about a hundred pounds—not all of it muscle. He didn’t carry himself like he’d been trained, but his movements showed he was no stranger to violence. He was completely at ease holding Megan and the gun.

“What do you want?” Dimitri kept his eyes on the gun.

“Now, see, that’s the question I had for you.”

Dimitri could see why Rudi hired the guy. He was cold, calculating and suspicious. A blunt instrument that took pleasure in inflicting pain—something obvious from the way he pulled Megan’s hair tight enough to keep her on her toes.

“I told you on the phone. I worked in Scotland with Durand and I have something Abramovic

h wants. I want to set up a meet.”

“Rudi has never heard of you.”

Yeah, Dimitri could see where that would set off alarm bells. “Ask Durand. He hired me.”

“No can do. Durand is still sorting out business in Scotland. He’s out of touch.”

Dimitri saw Megan stiffen. He silently willed her not to panic. Grunt was with her sister. Claire would be fine, no matter what Durand planned.

“What you got that Rudi wants?”

Dimitri buried his relief that Johnny didn’t know the value of the woman he held in his hands. “That’s between me and Rudi.”

“I don’t think so. I think you’re going to tell me everything I want to know, or your girl here is going to suffer until you do.”

He heard Megan squeak as Johnny tugged her hair higher. Her hands shot out to hold his wrist, as she strained to get as far up on her toes as she could, to take the pressure off her head. A strange bubbling sound came from the pair. Dimitri dismissed it as he took a step closer to the threat.

“Don’t move.” The gun swung to fix on Dimitri.

Better. Much better than having it pointed at Megan’s head. Megan writhed in Johnny’s grip, but she didn’t make a noise. She didn’t scream. She didn’t panic. Part of Dimitri was aware just how damn proud he was of her. He held out his hands. “How about we play nice? You set up a meeting with Rudi and I’ll tell him how helpful you were. I’ll even cut you in on my reward.”

The guy’s eyes gleamed with wicked intelligence. “So, it’s something he’s lost. Or something he wants bad enough to put a bounty on it.”

There was another louder rumbling. This time, Dimitri was pretty sure it came from Megan.

The gun turned back to Megan. Dimitri took another step forward without thinking.

“One more step and I shoot.” He pointed at Megan’s knee. “I’ll start here and work my way up. First, we’re going to play a little game. For every answer you give me, your girl here gets a minute more time without being hurt. We clear?”

“Don’t hurt her.” Dimitri clenched his fists as the man pulled Megan tight against his body. Her face was pale. She looked ill. She had to be terrified.

“Oh no,” Megan moaned quietly. “This isn’t good.” Her arms dropped to curl around her stomach.

Johnny smiled—it was nasty. “Listen to the woman. She knows what she’s talking about.”

Another rumble. It was Megan’s stomach, he realised. She gave him a wide eyed panicked look before mouthing sorry again. And then the woman farted. Loudly.

“What the fuck?” Johnny’s hold on her loosened as he angled away from her. “What the fuck did you eat? Holy shit, woman!”

“That’s it, I’ve had enough of this crap,” Megan snapped. “I need to get to a toilet.”

She elbowed Johnny, hard, in his side. He jerked backwards. Dimitri took a step forward but Megan was too fast. She stamped on Johnny’s instep. Aimed an elbow at his face, but it hit his throat, making the guy choke. She brought her arm down hard to punch Johnny’s groin. He wobbled, made a strangled noise and crumpled to the ground. Megan didn’t miss a beat—she stamped on his wrist to release the gun, then kicked him in the jaw. He was out cold by the time Dimitri was by her side.

And, whoa, the smell!
