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Once the men had disappeared into Callum’s office, Megan headed up to her flat. She grabbed a bagel from their tiny kitchen and made herself a mug of steaming hot tea. The corridor outside her flat led out onto a metal fire escape, the top of which was a mesh platform. It was a poor man’s balcony, affording her a view over the rooftops towards Big Ben. Not that she could see the famous clock through the buildings, but it was enough to know it was there.

She sat on the kitchen chair she’d dragged outside while the kettle boiled and dialled her sister. The rain had stopped hours ago, but the sky was still heavy and the air sharp. She shivered in her yoga pants and padded jacket.

“Twin Two!” Claire’s voice in her ear made Megan simultaneously grin and tear up.

“Don’t tell me you’re using Joe’s stupid nicknames now.”

“I kind of like them.” Megan could hear the grin in her sister’s voice. “It makes me think of Dr Seuss. You know, Thing One and Thing Two.”

“I know.” Megan had been trying to get Claire to upgrade her pop culture references to something an adult would use, but the kindy teacher could not be taught. “How are you? How’s my niece?”

“You idiot. It’s too early to tell the sex of the baby.” Claire’s voice softened with wonder.

“Son!” came the shout from the background.

“I hope the caveman you married gets twin girls.” Megan knew her grin was evil.

Unfortunately, Claire couldn’t see it. “Oh that would be so cool,” was her enthusiastic response.

“Yes, it would.” Megan knew she would make an awesome aunt. Plus they knew how to be twins. Think of all the advice they could pass along to younger girls. It would be invaluable to them.

“What’s up?” Claire said. “I can hear it in your voice.”

Megan closed her eyes and rested her head back against the cool stone wall. Damn, but she missed her twin. They might not have the psychic connection they’d dreamed of having as kids, but no one knew her—no one understood her—like Claire.

“We’re meeting Rudi on Friday, I kissed Dimitri and I don’t think Benson Security is going to keep me on when this job is over.” Her worries came out in a gush and she felt much better. She looked out over the rows of roofs identical to the one behind her. A conclave of Regency homes turned into offices and flats.



t’s it? That’s all you have to say? I need more.” She bit into the bagel.

“Okay, we’ll deal with the mundane first and work our way up to juicy. Rudi first. My advice is don’t get yourself killed.”

“Helpful.” It was interesting what her twin thought was mundane.

“I try. As for keeping you on, of course they will. You’re a natural at this security stuff. Look how you handled the situation at the castle. You’re an asset to any team.”

“I appreciate your support, but we both know I’m a liability.” Something she would only admit to her sister. She took a deep breath and filled her sister in on the events from the night before—sparing no detail of her gastronomic disaster. There was silence, then deep, very male laughter. “Claire! Do you have me on speaker phone?”

“Sorry,” came the contrite reply. “I’m knitting a baby blanket and wanted to work while I talked.”

Great, now her brother-in-law knew what a screw up she was. She heard more laughing, Claire ordering Grunt to leave the room and a door slamming shut.

“Sorry about that,” Claire said. “Next time give me a heads up that we’re talking about something that needs privacy.”

“I don’t suppose it matters.” Megan sipped her tea. “Joe will fill Grunt in next time they talk anyway.”

There was a giggle. “Did you really fart on the bad guy?”

Megan groaned. “It was humiliating. I didn’t think it was possible to feel mortified, furious and terrified all at the same time. All I could think about was getting the gun out of my face and getting home to my toilet. I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

“Probably not. But look, you also proved you are capable. You disarmed the guy. Don’t sell yourself short. You can do this job. You just need time to settle in.”

This was why she missed her sister so badly. No one on the planet had her back like Claire did. “I don’t know. There are literally millions of ex-service men and women out there. All of them way more suited to being a gun-for-hire than I am. I might as well face the fact that once my usefulness is over, I’ll be back on the plane home.” A car honked in the street beside her and she became aware of the constant white noise of London. “I really don’t want to lose this job, Claire. For the first time in my life I feel like I fit. Like I’ve found what I’m supposed to be doing.”

Although they were identical in appearance, Megan was very different to Claire in other ways. Claire had everything she’d ever wanted out of life. She had the career of her dreams as a local kindergarten teacher. She had a Neanderthal who adored her and kissed the ground she walked on and she had a baby on the way. Home, family, that’s what Claire had dreamed of her whole life. And Megan would be the first to make sure her sister’s perfect life was never damaged. Claire deserved to have everything she dreamed of. But Megan was different, she’d never known what she wanted out of life. She’d tried lots of different careers and none of them fit. There was always a restlessness inside her, driving her to find something, and until she signed up to be part of Benson Security she’d never felt at peace. Now she did. She was where she was meant to be. And she was worried she was the only person who saw it.
