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“Enough.” Dimitri’s hand covered her wrist. “This is no way to improve. We’ll try again once you calm down.”

“Telling a woman to calm down is a sure way to get her to aim the gun at your head.”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. Then he turned to the target and stopped dead. Megan peeked around him to see what had his attention and felt a slow grin break out. All six shots had hit the dead centre of the paper target. The look on Dimitri’s face was priceless. It almost made breathing in his pheromones for hours on end, worth it. And now, she needed to get out of there—before she did something she regretted. Like peeling off his T-shirt and biting into his pecs. She shook off the image. Definitely time to go.

“I’m done here.” She placed the gun on the shelf beside her and took out her ear plugs. “I don’t need training. I just need to be mad to hit the target.” She put her protective glasses beside the gun. “Next time, just piss me off before you hand me a weapon. It will save time. It shouldn’t take too much to do it. All you need to do is open your mouth and let your brain run free.”

She left him gaping after her as she strode for the door.

“Hey, we’re not done here,” Dimitri shouted after her.

“Oh, we so are,” she shouted back.

“That was a lucky shot,” he shouted, undeterred. “You need to be able to replicate it under stress.”

He thought she wasn’t under stress? The man was an idiot. Honestly. He rubs all over her for hours on end, drugging her with his scent and then dismisses it? Oh, that was not on. She stormed back into the room to give him a piece of her mind on th

e matter.

Dimitri was reaching for her gun when she strode into the room. He caught sight of her and his eyes darkened. In that second, with that one look, the anger inside Megan switched to something far darker. Something she couldn’t stop and wasn’t sure she’d want to anyway.

She caught him off guard when she pushed him back against the wall. Without a word, she twisted her hand into his too-tight shirt and pulled his face down to meet hers. Her kiss was punishing. More like an attack than a tease. Dimitri groaned into her mouth. He wrapped his arms around her and she was engulfed in his scent. The same blend of woodland forest and pure Dimitri that was driving her insane not ten minutes ago, now made her delirious with need. She couldn’t breathe him in deeply enough. She couldn’t get close enough. His taste was ambrosia on her tongue. Addicting. He was addicting.

“More.” She grunted the word against his mouth.

His reply was a feral growl. He turned them. Her back hit the wall, making it shudder.

“Up,” he demanded.

Megan felt his grip on her ribcage as he lifted her. Her legs wrapped around his waist. She grabbed handfuls of hair and angled his mouth where she needed it to be. His fingertips dug into her backside as he pulled her closer. She felt his hard length rub against her crotch and moaned. Perfect. He was perfect.

Her tongue duelled with his. Because that was what this was, a fight. A sparring match between opponents. Each wanting dominance. Megan bit his bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth to soothe the pain. Somewhere inside her, on a primal level, she wanted to mark him. She wanted to leave evidence that he was hers. She was an idiot, wanting to tag her name on a building that didn’t belong to her. She shook off the thoughts as she fisted her hands in the bottom of his offensive shirt.

“Off.” She tugged.

He pressed her against the wall with his hips as he fisted his hand in the neck of his T-shirt and yanked it over his head. Oh, yes. Her eyes ran over every perfect dip and curve before her. He was an all-you-can-eat buffet for her senses. She closed the distance between them and licked a line across his pecs.

“Megan,” he groaned.

Salty, tangy, Dimitri. She nipped at his shoulder, before nuzzling her nose into the crook of his neck and breathing him deep. Heady. It was heady. She was spinning out of control and she didn’t care. Her hands ran over his chest to his stomach, memorising every curve. His skin burned under her touch. She wanted to wrap herself in the heat and stay there forever.

“Babe, if we don’t stop, I’m going to take you up against this wall. Are you sure you want that?” Dimitri’s voice was a rumble that vibrated through her.

She closed her eyes for a second, revelling in the sensation. It took a minute for his words to penetrate. Megan’s eyelids flickered, like she was coming out of a daze. The gun range came into focus. The fact her legs were wrapped around a half-naked Dimitri and his hands were inside the back of her yoga pants registered.


She looked up into his dark chocolate eyes and all but melted. Gorgeous. She licked her lips as she stared at his mouth. His lips were red and swollen. She smiled in satisfaction.

“You’re killing me here, babe.”

She tore her eyes from his lips. “We probably shouldn’t, huh?” Her voice was hoarse.

His forehead touched hers as he groaned. “You’re killing me.”

Thought replaced sensation as her brain rebooted. No, this wasn’t the place for this. Or the time. Probably. She pushed at his chest and he got the message. He gently lowered her to the ground, keeping his hands on her hips to steady her. His perfect chest filled her vision and she had to fight the urge to sink her teeth into him.

“Not the right place,” she said instead.
