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Megan felt everything within her still. “How long?” she said to Joe. “How long before Rudi is arrested?”

“It makes sense to take down the whole operation at the same time, you know…” Joe started.

Slowly, Megan got to her feet. She stepped into his space and poked him in the chest. “How long before that asshole is behind bars? How long before Claire is safe?”

His shoulders fell in defeat. “A few months.” He glanced at Julia who was watching them both. “Maybe less, going by this message.”

Megan didn’t say a word. She couldn’t speak. She was too damn angry. They’d been planning this behind her back. Scheming about things that concerned her and her sister, without so much as a word of consultation. Not only that, but they were shirking their end of the deal. The deal where Megan used her face to get them access to Rudi and in return he was removed from Claire’s life. A white hot flame of fury engulfed her. She couldn’t hear whatever Joe and Julia were telling her. She didn’t care about anything else they had to say anyway. She’d heard enough. There was only one person she wanted to deal with.

Without a word, she turned on her heel and stormed to Callum’s office.

Chapter Thirteen

Dimitri had his head together with Callum, going over the plans for Friday, when his office door slammed open to reveal a livid Megan.

“Months.” Megan bit out the word.

Dimitri cast a worried glance at his boss. There was no need to guess what this was about.

“Months.” Megan stormed towards them, her face flushed and her fists clenched at her side. “Months until Rudi is put in jail. Months that my pregnant sister will have to hide, afraid he’ll get her. Months.” She strode across the room, slapped both palms on the desk and glared at Callum. “When were you going to tell me?”

“Calm down.” Callum used the words no man should ever say to an angry woman, proving once and for all that there was a very valid reason the guy was still single.

“Calm down?” It was barely a whisper. Megan’s hand shot out and she grabbed a glass paperweight on the corner of Callum’s desk. An instant later it was flying at his head. Only Callum’s quick reflexes saved him.

“What the hell?” the man roared.

Dimitri rushed around the desk and grasped Megan in a bear hug, before she could throw anything else.

“Calm down,” she shouted. “You’re telling me to calm down.” She struggled in his hold, kicking her heels against his shins. Damn, that stung. He was going to have bruises. He squeezed her to get her to stop. She didn’t spare him a glance, instead she stilled long enough to fume at Callum.

“You promised me. You said we’d deal with the threat to Claire. That it would be over as soon as we got to Rudi.”

“Things change,” Callum said.

“Not helping,” Dimitri told the man.

Megan roared, punching at Dimitri’s arms to get him to release her. He held tight as Joe rushed into the room. His face paled when he saw Megan.

“She was in Julia’s office when a message came through from Tessa. Looks like it might take less time to get everything in place to pull Rudi in.”

“It’s still months.” Megan went ballistic in Dimitri’s arms. He understood her reaction—they’d told her the problem would be dealt with during the meeting Friday. If they’d done that to him, he’d have thrown things at Callum too.

She was going to make herself sick getting this worked up. Dimitri tightened his grip and put his lips to her ear. “Stop it,” he snapped.

“Go to hell,” she shouted.

He squeezed her. “Stop it before you hurt yourself. Listen to what we have to say. There are good reasons for the delay.”

She froze in his arms. She turned to look at him over her shoulder. “You knew?”

Oh hell. “Yeah. I knew.”

Wow, he could have sworn her eyes actually flashed. “So, what? Your sister is more important than mine? It’s okay to save Katrina but not okay to protect Claire?”

He felt his own fury build. “That is out of order and you know it.”

“As out of order as hanging my sister out to dry and not even having the courtesy to tell me?” Her eyes went wide. “You didn’t want me to pull out of the meeting on Friday. That’s why you didn’t include me in this new plan.”
