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The woman rolled her eyes. “Harry is more like my younger brother than a boss.”

“And now Harry, Lake and I own Benson Security and you work for us.” Callum leaned forward. “If you don’t like the new situation, I’d be happy to accept your resignation.”

“Like that’s going to happen.” She tossed her expensive haircut. “Someone needs to stick around to pick up the pieces once you screw up.” Her eyes

narrowed. “And when you do, I’ll be waiting in the wings to take charge.”

“Or, I could fire you,” Callum said softly.

“You can try.” Rachel tapped her talons on the table in front of her before turning to Joe. “Why on earth does this Rudi person want Claire Donaldson?”

“Dayton,” Megan said again and was ignored.

“Claire is married to Grunt,” Joe said. “Grunt and I helped Rudi’s wife escape him and get back to America. We think Rudi wants to take Grunt’s wife from him as payback.”

Rachel held up a hand to stop Joe. “What on earth kind of name is Grunt? Is that one of those Highland things? You’ll have to forgive me if I’m not up to date on the goings on in Invertary. Unlike some people, I actually like to spend my time in civilisation.”

Dimitri was pretty sure he could actually hear Callum grinding his teeth.

“What?” The woman smirked at Callum. “Am I disrupting this extremely professional briefing?”

“Professional or not, after the meeting I want you in my office, Rachel.”

“Of course, boss.” Rachel’s tone made it clear she’d do exactly what she felt like after the meeting.

A threatening rumble sounded from Callum just as loud music blared throughout the room. It took Dimitri a few seconds to realise it was Bette Midler singing Wind Beneath My Wings. He fought a grin as he watched Megan cover her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter, at the same time as Ryan turned his into a cough.

“Julia!” Callum roared.

The music stopped dead.

“Sorry,” Julia said. “I told you there were gremlins in the system. I will make a note of each one and personally ensure they’re dealt with. There are more pastries in the kitchen, if anyone is interested. Along with another pot of coffee.”

“I’ll get them.” Ryan’s chair scraped the floor as he rushed to get at the food.

“I’ll help.” Joe followed their teammate. “If we let you get them they’ll be gone before you get back.”

“I can’t help it if I have a better metabolism than you.” Ryan grinned. “It’s age. I bet you could eat what you liked when you were my age.” Joe swatted the back of Ryan’s head.

“Bring me a Diet Coke,” Megan called after the men.

“Honestly.” Rachel’s voice had all the subtlety of a PA announcement. “It’s like being back in kindergarten. There is nothing professional about this new business. Harry should never have joined forces with Benson Security. It will damage his reputation.”

Callum growled again, but this time Julia was smart enough to keep her finger off the media controls. The guy stared at the ceiling. Dimitri bet he was praying for help. He recognised the action because he’d used the same one quite a bit since he’d met Megan.

Megan clasped her hands and leaned onto the table. “Tell me,” she said to Rachel. “Are you even aware just how bitchy you are?”

Rachel gasped, her hand flew to her chest. “I’m bitchy?”

“I’ll take that as a yes. You really don’t give a crap, do you?”

“Darling.” Rachel smirked. “I care about things that matter.”

Before Megan could waste any more breath on the woman, the guys came back with supplies. Joe carried a coffee pot and two cans of Diet Coke. He put the pot onto the counter, tossed a can at Megan then headed for the huge plant. He crouched down in front of it and smiled as he offered Julia a drink.

“I like your conflict management style, babe,” he told her.

A timid hand appeared and took the offered drink. Joe sat back in his chair, his legs stretched out in front of him. He reminded Dimitri of a leopard he’d seen on a stint in Africa. He looked relaxed but he could pounce without a hint of warning if the need arose.
