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“There was a photo as well,” Elle said. “It was your bedroom.”

Megan’s stomach revolted. “He’s been in my room? That’s gross.” She looked at Dimitri. “My room has Durand cooties.”

“You need to move.”

He was playing with her. The thought gave her tingles that weren’t appropriate in the middle of a meeting.

“Rachel needs a roommate,” Megan said.

“No,” Rachel said.

“Joe?” Callum said. “What’s the word on Abramovich?”

Joe sat forward on the edge of the other sofa. Megan noticed that Julia was positioned as far away from the man as possible without actually leaving the room. Interesting.

“I’ve spoken to everyone I can get a hold of.” Joe ran a hand through his hair. “Rudi is still in London. In a private clinic. He was in surgery. No word as to whether they were able to save his dick or not.”

The men in the room turned green as Megan reached over and fist bumped Elle.

“What about the organisation?” Callum said.

“Business as usual. Rudi is still in control, just out of action for a bit. Nobody seems that worried. The word is this was a personal vendetta and the matter is now closed.”

“The bully ran,” Rachel said to Megan with a gleam in her eye.

“Yeah,” Megan said with a touch of wonder and a whole lot of gratefulness.

Joe gave a reassuring nod. “All rumour and chatter involving Claire has died down. I’d say she’s safe. Rudi has other things on his mind right now.”

Megan felt lightheaded. She’d done it. She’d scared him off Claire. Only, “Are we sure he won’t go after her?”

“There’s a chance he’ll pick up his vendetta when he’s healed. If he heals.” Joe winced. “But by then, he’ll be in custody. So yeah, Claire is definitely safe.” His smile was dazzling. “That doesn’t mean Grunt won’t carry on watching her twenty-four seven, though.”

Megan couldn’t help but blast Dimitri with a megawatt smile. Ignoring the people in the room, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her to his side. He kissed her temple. “That’s good,” was all he said, but Megan heard the depth behind it and knew he understood. Instead of pushing him away she relaxed into his hold. So what if it wasn’t professional? Right now, she needed his touch. Later, she’d remind him that hugging in a meeting wasn’t a good look for them.

Callum shook his head at Dimitri’s behaviour but didn’t say anything. Instead he turned his attention to Elle. “How’s it going decrypting Rudi’s files? You’ve been forwarding the information to the authorities right?”

She nodded. “Every word as I get it. We’re making steady progress.”

Dimitri cleared his throat. “Katrina,” was all he said, but Megan felt his muscles tense.

“I’m sure the information is in the files that are still decrypting. We’ve already come across details on other women that were sold as slaves.” Elle’s face was soft with compassion in her voice. “As soon as Katrina’s information pops up I’ll let you know. Promise.”

Dimitri gave a terse nod and Megan patted his chest.

“You two need to get a room,” Ryan said.

“We have a room. We were happy in there, until you lot decided you needed yet another meeting,” Megan pointed out. She angled her face up to Dimitri. “I think we need to head back there. You know, to debrief.” She waggled her eyebrows at him.

A second later, he was on his feet and dragging her towards their room.

“Guess the meeting is over then,” Callum said behind them. “This sort of thing never happened in the army. What the hell have I got myself into?”

Megan grinned at Callum’s grumpy complaint. She didn’t care if they were being unprofessional. Claire was safe and Dimitri was hot. Everything else could wait.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“You can’t avoid me forever.”
