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“You came in this morning. About fourteen hours ago.”

“And in that time, you moved me in with you?”


“Into your hotel room?”

He squirmed. It wasn’t a big squirm. But she spotted it. “No, I found an apartment for us, near the office.”

“Pinch me,” she said, because she was pretty sure she was still unconscious.

“I’m not going to pinch you, you’re bruised enough.”

“Fine, then tell me how you managed to find an apartment and move me into it in fourteen hours? Without my consent, I might add, due to extreme unconsciousness.” Seriously, if it didn’t hurt so much to glare, she would have glared his head to a burning ember.

“It didn’t take long. Rachel owns it. We’re renting from her.”

A ray of sunshine peeked through her ire. “Does it have a pool?”


Typical. Megan tugged at her hand, but he wouldn’t let go. “I’m not moving in with you. You can’t just arrange my life while I’m unconscious.” She frowned at him. That hurt too, damn it. “Did I mention the unconsciousness?”

“Get over it,” the idiot said. “It’s a done deal, Buffy.”

And to think she’d accused her sister of falling in love with a caveman. At least Grunt had asked Claire to move in with him. He didn’t sneak her in while she was unconscious!

“I don’t want to live with you.”

“Of course you want to live with me. You love me.”

It must have been the drugs, because her heart melted a little at his words and her irritation faded. “Your ego knows no bounds.”

“So I’ve been told.” His smile was dazzling.

And a touch too smug. “As soon as I get out of here, I’m moving back to the office.”

The smile faded. “And kick my sister out? My poor recovering sister, who needs the security the building affords while she copes with the aftermath of her ordeal?” It was a miracle he didn’t try to flutter his eyelashes at her too.

Megan’s eyes narrowed before she remembered it hurt to move. “Do you really think you can manipulate me into getting what you want?”

In reply, the damn man leaned over and kissed her. It was slow, delicate tease of a kiss. His lips pressed softly against hers and she felt everything within her sigh. His forehead rested against hers when the kiss ended. His eyes were closed.

“I nearly lost you. I need you beside me. I need to know I can protect you.” His eyes flickered open. “Please,” her warrior said.

It wasn’t needed, he’d already broken her down with his tender kiss. “You realise none of that makes any logical sense, right?”

“Humour me.” Another gentle kiss that robbed her senses.

“Only if you admit that I’m only doing this to humour you and I know how to take care of myself.”

“Never going to happen.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but he kissed the words away. A possessive, demanding kiss that left her panting for more, only her body wasn’t in any fit state to follow up on her need.

Dimitri enfolded her in his arms and pulled her into his chest. Breathing deeply, she filled herself with the scent of summer woodland. The scent of home. Megan closed her eyes and let him take her weight. He kissed the top of her head before nuzzling her temple.

“I love you too, Buffy,” he whispered against her ear.
