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It was a farewell party for Julia’s gran and Alice. Four months had passed since their time in Peru, and now the women were going back—to hunt for treasure. Only this time, they had the backing of the Peruvian Archaeological Society and a team of armed guards they’d hired from Benson Security. A team of newly recruited guards. Joe hoped they knew what they were getting into.

Joe looked over at his fiancée, who was standing in the corner of the grand room in her parents’ house. Julia would never be the centre of attention, and that was fine with Joe. There were more than enough limelight hogs in her family as it was, and he liked that his woman only ever let her hair down with a select few people. She felt like a secret. His secret.

“Joe, darling.” Libby Collins, Julia’s mother and famed actress, bustled up to him. “I spoke to your mother last night and we agree that it would be fabulous to hold the wedding in Italy. Isn’t that a great idea?”

“Almost as good as the one where you thought we should have it in Cannes, or Lapland, or…” Nope, he couldn’t remember. “Where was that place you shot your last movie?”

“Bora Bora. And you aren’t taking me seriously.” She pouted, but Joe was onto her. Libby Collins, like the rest of her family, was all about the drama. After each visit with Julia’s family, Joe dug up his Catholic roots and lit a candle in thanks that Julia was nothing like them. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the stress of living with someone who was performing all the time.

“You’ve tuned me out again.” She smacked him on the chest, and Joe smiled.

“We’re going to get married in the spot Julia picks. It’s up to her.”

“She wants to get married in Invertary. Can you imagine anything more boring?”

Joe thought back to the last wedding he’d attended in the Scottish Highlands, and laughed. Julia heard him through the crowd and caught his eyes. She made a slight gesture, which he read as her asking if he needed rescuing. He gently shook his head.

“It’s a small town in Scotland. How will it cope with a crowd of celebrities descending on it?” Libby said.

“The same way it coped last time it happened.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Julia and I aren’t famous. We don’t want to be famous. We want a quiet wedding with our friends and family, and then we want to settle down and pop out some kids.”

“What a way to describe it.” But her face melted at the thought of being a grandmother. “But Italy would be wonderful. We could borrow George Clooney’s estate. He wouldn’t mind; he’s hardly ever there these days.”

“Hey, it isn’t me you have to convince. If Julia decides she wants to get married at Clooney’s place, then it’s fine with me.” He gave Libby a sweet smile.

She narrowed her eyes. “You know full well that you’re the weak link in your relationship. I’ll never get her to agree to something she doesn’t want. She’s stubborn as a mule.”

Yes, she was, and Joe loved it because Julia’s stubbornness wasn’t confrontational. She always listened politely and then either did what she wanted or manoeuvred people to do what she wanted them to do. It was highly entertaining to watch.

“I really appreciate it when you call me the weakest link. Makes me feel part of the family already.”

Libby shook her head. “I’m going to call your mother again tonight and tell her you’re being difficult.”

“You get right on that.” He kissed her cheek and made his way through the packed room towards Julia.

In a room the size of a ballroom, crowded with everyone from family members to A-list stars, Julia still shone the brightest. Tonight she was wearing a soft pink jumpsuit with silver heels and silver earrings. It was understated and classy. Just like she was. Even better, Joe knew what lay underneath. It seemed Julia had developed a recent fascination with lingerie. Sexy lace lingerie. And he had never been more grateful for her latest interest.

“Babe.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and sighed when she cuddled into his side.

“Belinda was just telling me that we should get married in Kenya,” she said to him. Her eyes were sparkling with mischief.

“You can get the Maasai tribes to dance at your wedding,” Julia’s older sister gushed. “Can you think of anything more amazing?”

“Nope, sounds good to me,” Joe said, and Julia elbowed him in the ribs.

“I’ll send you the links I have for the hotels I think are the best,” Belinda said.

“You do that.” Joe tried hard not to laugh as something behind him caught Belinda’s attention.

“Got to go. We’ve put together a little band, and we’re performing something for Gran. See you later.”

She hurried off towards her little band, which consisted of two members of a chart-topping group, a daytime TV host and one of the biggest action movie stars in the world. They started to play as soon as she hit the stage at the end of the room.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to all the big names that hang around your family,” Joe said.

“My family are big names,” Julia pointed out.

But he was used to her family. They were famous, but they were also deeply insane and very hard not to like.
