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“I lost my phone and stole this one. I can’t remember Ed’s number and I don’t want to freak Julia out. Basically it was call you or Grunt. Consider yourself honoured. I called you first.”

“Guess this means you two are going steady,” Ryan said, earning a glare from Callum.

“What do you need?” Callum said as he navigated the traffic.

“I need somebody, anybody, to take out the assholes who’ve got me pinned. Tell me you’ve got somebody you can call. Hell, pick a name out of the yellow pages, I don’t care, but I need someone now.”

“Where are you?”

Joe rattled off an address and Elle typed it into the GPS on the dash. She gave Callum a nod once it was loaded.

“That’s an approximate location,” Joe said. “But these guys shouldn’t be that hard to miss.”

“Description?” Callum took the turns indicated by the GPS.

“Short. South American. Armed,” Joe answered.

“Helpful,” Elle muttered.

Callum turned a corner fast, making Ryan moan as he reached for the panic handle. They drove into a cobblestone road that seemed to head straight up the mountain. It was crowded, with everything from women selling chewing gum, to guys loitering for no reason at all.

“You made that call yet?” Joe sounded strained.

“No need,” Callum said. “You already have somebody coming your way.”


“Me,” Callum said.

“And me,” Ryan and Elle chimed in.

“How?” For once, the American sounded stunned.

“We just flew in on Rachel’s jet—”

“Her dad’s jet,” Elle interrupted.

“—heading here to save your sorry backside,” Callum continued.

“We just didn’t know it’d need saving this soon,” Ryan added.

Callum blasted his horn to get people off the middle of the street.

“Damn it, they’ve lost patience,” Joe whispered. “Somebody’s trying to sneak in.”


?t hang up,” Callum ordered. “I’m hitting mute; we’ll hear you but you won’t hear us. Tell me when it’s safe to talk again.”


Callum’s attention was split between the narrow road, crowded with people, and the noises coming from his phone.

“I hacked the local CCTV,” Elle said from the passenger seat, her fingers flying over her ever-present laptop. “There are literally no public cameras in the area Joe’s holed up in.” She snapped her computer shut in disgust.

“So we’re going in blind,” Ryan said.

“The end of the street he mentioned is up here on the left.” Elle pointed to the darker end of the street where houses were smaller and the crowd had thinned.
