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She’d thought the stain on his shirt was dirt, but it was blood. His blood. Joe was bleeding. She fought past his attempts to discourage her and pulled his shirt up and over his head.

“Joe!” She traced the gash on his waist. A knife wound. Someone had tried to stab him and skimmed him instead. It was shallow, but bleeding again. The horror of it hit her. He was bleeding because she’d climbed all over him.

“It’s nothing. I’ve had worse.” He covered her hand with his, pressing it flat against his side. His hot flesh seared her, but she didn’t let herself think about the fact Joe was standing

half-naked in front of her.

“That does not reassure me, Joe Barone.” She knocked his hand out of the way to examine him. There were cuts and bruises everywhere. How could she have missed them? “I shouldn’t have thrown myself at you like that. You’re hurt. I was selfish.”

“Hey.” Joe cupped her cheek. “You can throw yourself at me anytime. Trust me, it isn’t selfish when I want it too.”

“You’re impossible.” She grabbed his hand and led him to the door. “We need to find a good first-aid kit. I only have a little one in my bag, and it won’t be enough for your injuries. We have to get those wounds cleaned and treated.”

He followed behind her, holding her hand, as though he was afraid to release her in case she disappeared on him. He didn’t seem to care that she was bossing him around. In fact, he seemed oddly pleased about it.

“There’s a kit in my room,” he said.

“Of course there is.”

She opened the door to the living area and stopped dead. In her urgency to get Joe fixed up, she’d forgotten about the team. It felt like the room was packed, and every set of eyes was on them.

Joe reached for her waist, and she felt his heat at her back an instant before his body touched hers. Julia’s eyes lowered to focus on the floor and she took a step back, pressing herself against Joe—her safe haven. The silence was heavy, and Julia desperately wished she was back inside the closet.

“I see you’ve all met,” Joe said, walking her into the room.

“I see you two have done a whole lot more than meet.” Ryan gave them a cheeky grin.

Julia’s face must have been luminous, because the burn in her cheeks was painful. Danger! Danger! Abort! Abort! There was silence as Julia willed herself to become invisible.

“Come on.” Joe stepped in front of Julia, still holding her hand. “Let’s get that medical kit.”

He strode across the living room towards his bedroom.

“Hey, Julia, glad to see you’re alive,” Elle said as they passed.

Julia dared to look up at the woman who was becoming her friend. “I’m pleased you’re here.” There was no amusement or judgment in Elle’s eyes.

Elle nodded, making her blue bunches bob. “Eduardo gave me the laptop you lifted from the shop.” She said Ed’s name with a flirtatious lilt that made Julia smile. “He’d already worked through the Spanish and pointed out places to start searching for our buyer. It makes my job easier. I’m running a search on IP locations right now. Hopefully we’ll get a name on the mummy buyer.” She paused. “That sounds wrong. As in, really wrong.”

“I know.” Julia’s smile widened.

“No way!” Ryan’s voice cut through the room. “I just realised who you are. It didn’t click until I saw you with your gran.”

Julia felt every muscle in her body solidify. The atmosphere in the room was suddenly thicker.

“I think that’s a conversation for another time,” Patricia said in a tone that demanded she was obeyed.

Unfortunately, she was talking to Ryan, and the only thing he would stop for was food.

“You’re Julia Collins,” Ryan said, with no small amount of awe.

“It’s the altitude sickness. Yes, she’s Julia Collins. We work with her,” Elle said slowly.

“And you’re Patricia Matthews.” Ryan pointed at Julia’s gran.

“Seriously,” Elle said to their boss, “he needs help.”

“I should have put it together.” Ryan smacked his forehead. “But you’re nothing like your sister.”
