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“Hurry up,” Callum shouted through the open window of the car. “Ed says the mall cops are back in the house, but they won’t stay there long.”

“This isn’t happening…this isn’t happening…” Julia chanted.

Her boss could not see her waist-high beige knickers. Her—yeah, she couldn’t even think of a word for what Joe was to her—her Joe wasn’t staring at her backside. It was all just a nightmare.

“The travel website said to pack practical cotton underwear.” She was blathering excuses for her terrible knickers. This is what her life had come to. She was stuck on a fence, flashing her underwear to half of Bolivia.

“Calm down, baby.” She felt the brush of fingertips over the curve of her hips. “Although I like the words on your rear. Cute.”

She’d forgotten about the words!

“I didn’t know they were there. I bought the underwear in a five-pack and I didn’t see the rear until I unpacked them.” Yes. She’s just told them that. This was now beyond mortifying. The words Sweet Cheeks were emblazoned across her behind, and Joe could see them.

“Words?” Ryan’s eyes sprang open and he stared at her underwear. “What words?” Something snapped inside Julia, and she did something she’d never done in her life before—she kicked him.

“No looking,” she said.

Ryan stared at her in astonishment as he rubbed his knee. “Julia Collins, you are becoming wild.”

“Shut your damn eyes,” Joe ordered, sounding ferocious.

“I’m sorry I kicked you.” Now Julia’s emotions were overloading her with humiliation and guilt.

“He deserved it,” Joe said.

“He’s right.” Ryan shrugged. He was still grinning.

“I can’t get you off—” Joe started.

Ryan interrupted, his grin even wider. “I bet I could. I’m younger and I have more stamina.”

“As soon as I’m over this fence…” Joe said.

“Hurry the hell up!” Callum shouted.

There was shouting in Spanish behind her. Joe shouted back. Ryan’s eyes opened again. This time, they weren’t looking at her. They were looking behind her. She craned her neck and got a glimpse of the man in the garden they’d cut through. He was wearing overalls and holding a rake.

“Don’t shoot him,” Joe said. “He’s the gardener.”

“Who’s calling the cops,” Ryan pointed out as the guy ran for the house.

“We’ll be gone by then. Julia, we can’t lift your dress off the fence to unhook you. I have to cut it.”

She whimpered and felt Joe stroke the bare skin on the small of her back.

“Ryan, put your hands on her waist and take her weight. Don’t. Touch. Anything. Else.”

“Bloody hell, you think I’d molest her?” Ryan took a step forward, and she felt his big, hot hands on her skin. His wide grip almost spanned her waist.

His face was almost level with Julia’s, and she could feel the warmth of his body. Suddenly, she was wedged between two extremely hot men. If it hadn’t been for the fence at her back and the fact she was almost hysterical, the experience might have sent her imagination into overload.

Ryan’s muscles flexed. Her body was raised slightly, and the tight hold her dress had on her, under her arms and breasts, eased. There was a cutting sound.

“Okay, lower her to the ground,” Joe said.

Ryan did as he was told, but his hands lingered. Once she was on her feet, he leaned into her, lowering his head to speak against her ear. “If you get fed up with this guy, give me a call.”

She gasped. Ryan stepped back, letting what was left of her dress fall to below her knees. He opened his eyes and winked at her. Julia stood there, stunned. She felt a rush of air, heard Joe land on the ground beside her and then watched in shock as he punched Ryan on the jaw. The younger man staggered back, but when he righted himself, he was rubbing his jaw and grinning.
