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“Jules, do you know how to play any card games?”

She licked her lips, feeling more than a little foolish. “Snap?”

Joe threw back his head and roared with laughter. Once he’d calmed down, he appeared delighted. Julia didn’t know why.

“Guess we’re playing snap, then.” His grin was wide. “Now when you lose a round, there’s a penalty.”

Her eyes narrowed. “What kind of penalty?” She wasn’t taking off any clothes. None.

“Julia Collins, you’re thinking about stripping again, aren’t you? You are just desperate to get naked with me. Unfortunately, I’ll have to wait for that pleasure. If you lose, the winner has the right to claim a boon.”

Her head snapped up. “Boon?”

“Yeah, a reward.” He waggled his eyebrows. “It could be in the form of a question the loser has to answer, or a dare they have to take, or a kiss they have to give the winner.”

His eyes lingered on her lips, making her flush as she remembered the brief, sweet kiss he’d given her weeks earlier. The kiss that had made her hide from him ever since.

His eyes darkened as he watched her. “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

Julia felt her cheeks burn, but didn’t answer.

“You still playing?” he challenged.

“Is hiding in the closet an option?”

His lips twitched. “No.”

“Then let’s start.” This might just be a game of snap, but there was no way she was letting him win. Especially with this boon system in place. The dark places of her mind were already speculating about what sort of boon Joe would claim. She shut them down and sat up straight.

“You ready?”

“Play your card, Joe.”

He won the first round because his reflexes were like a cat.

“This game isn’t fair,” Julia pointed out. “It’s more about being physical than being smart. I don’t have the same level of fitness as you. Nor do I have your speed.”

“I think you just insulted me.” He grinned as Julia went over her words.

Her eyes went wide. “I don’t mean I would have a better chance if we were playing a game that needed intellect. I just mean you’re bigger. You have more muscle. You’re sneaky and fast.”

“Tell you what, we’ll put the cards closer to you so that your shorter arms can reach them faster. Does that help?”

“You’re mocking me.”

“Only a little. Now I want to claim my boon.”

She froze. “I’m not taking off any clothes.” Not that she had many on. She’d packed a suitcase full of shapeless cotton dresses because she thought they would be the most practical option. All she had on was a beige tent that went to her ankles and beige cotton underwear.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Joe could not see her underwear. Ever.

“You know, just once, I’d love to be inside your mind,” Joe said. “I bet it would be fascinating.”

“What’s the boon, Joe?” She squared her shoulders. She could take it.

“Unpin your hair. Let it fall free.”
