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For a second, the three-year-old looked sleepy and disorientated, and then she realised there was a strange man holding her. A flash of panic rushed across her face. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

“Don’t. It’s me, Callum.”

Her eyes went wide but she didn’t scream. She froze, staring at Callum, no doubt thinking he was a monster. Isobel put her hands on her child, cooing gently at her, letting her know that her mother was there. Sophie’s eyes never left Callum’s. It was as though she was mesmerised.

“Clam?” she whispered.

Callum nodded. “That’s right. Your mum needs help. You can’t make a sound or the bad people will find us. You need to be very quiet. Can you do that?”

Her eyes flew to Isobel, who forced a smile and nodded her agreement. Sophie looked back at Callum.

“Are you a bad man?” she whispered.

Isobel’s eyes shot to his.

“No.” Callum was intensely serious. “But I’m not a good man either. I can,

however, get you and your mum out of here safely. Do you understand me?”

She nodded, and Isobel felt like she could breathe again.

“Jack too,” Sophie whispered.

“Jack too,” Callum said solemnly.

That seemed to be enough to reassure Sophie, who, still clutching her giraffe, turned and launched herself into Isobel’s arms.

“Be very quiet, baby.” Isobel kissed her head, and Sophie curled into her, resting her head on her mum’s shoulder. Isobel held her tight and looked up at Callum. “What now?”

“I go hunting,” he said.

She felt a shiver at the deadly intent in his face.

“What do you want me to do?” Jack said.

Callum turned to her son, who was almost as tall as him, and handed him a weapon Isobel didn’t recognise. “Take this. It works two ways. Either press it to your opponent and fire or aim and pull the trigger. It will work in close quarters. Fifteen feet at most.”

Jack looked down at the weapon and nodded. “Combination stun gun and Taser. Nice.”

Isobel wanted to ask how he knew what it was, but kept her mouth shut. Now wasn’t the time for questions.

“You know how to get out using the bathroom window?” Callum said.

Jack nodded, but Isobel was confused. “The bathroom is upstairs. You can’t get out that way.”

“I’ll show you, Mum,” Jack said before turning back to Callum. “I’ll get them out. I’ve done this loads of times. I can carry Sophie, and Mum’s fitter than she looks.”

Isobel opened and closed her mouth a few times as she tried to decide what she should say.

“Good,” Callum said. “Run to my house. The alarm is on.” He rattled off a complicated code. “Can you remember that?”

“Say it again,” Jack said, sounding strangely like Callum. Callum did, and Jack nodded. “Got it.”

“Go down to the basement. As soon as you’re in there, lock the door. You’ll be secure. If I don’t turn up within an hour, call the emergency number and tell them where you are. Okay?”

Jack nodded grimly, but Isobel was not okay.

“Why are you telling my sixteen-year-old what to do instead of me?” Isobel didn’t even like the thought of Jack being in danger, let alone handing him a weapon and giving him responsibility for his sister.
