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“No sense,” he mumbled against her lips, and then she felt his fingers grasp her hips and he lifted her off him and onto the bed beside him.

“No.” Isobel climbed right back on top of him. This time, he was sheathed. It felt different, less intimate, but definitely safer.

Isobel whined her complaint, aware deep inside of her that she was acting insane.

“Move, darlin’, move.” Callum’s dark order brought her right back into the moment.

This was what she needed. Perfection. Nothing felt like Callum. Nothing. Her hips moved as she ground herself down on him, keeping up a relentless pace. He clenched her hips, but didn’t try to take over. Isobel sat back, her fingers raking over his abs.

Luscious green eyes stared up at her, and she found she couldn’t look away. He was perfection. Brutal strength and raw masculinity. Her body was on fire. Sparks of electricity ran across her skin, from her fingers to her toes. She moved faster, circling her hips every time she pressed down on him.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Her head fell back and the chants became more desperate. She felt as though she was floating away, leaving her body and everything else behind. Wave after wave of sensation rippled through her. She felt him thicken inside her. His panting grew more desperate. She felt his muscles tense beneath her as she roared towards the precipice.

“Callum,” she wailed as she flew over the edge.

She collapsed on top of him as he arched up to meet her. His hips moved, once, twice, before he grunted his own release. Shocks rippled through Isobel as she floated back down to earth. She was limp. Sated. Replete.

Callum’s arms wrapped around her as she lay on top of him. Her face pressed into the curve of his neck. “If we ever manage to do this with foreplay, I’m going to die,” he said.

Isobel started to laugh, and felt his chest move under hers. He kissed her head.

“You need to move. I have to deal with this condom.”

Isobel moaned, pressing her forehead into him. “I can’t believe I forgot again.”

She struggled to sit up and climbed off him. She was still wearing her sweatshirt and bra, and Callum still had his jeans on. But at least he’d managed to remember to protect them. It was almost as though she wanted to get pregnant. She looked at Callum to find him watching her.

“I lose my mind around you,” she confessed.

He stroked his hand over her hair. “It isn’t only you. I haven’t forgotten to glove up since I was a teenager. I blame you. You need to stop jumping me. I can’t think straight.”

“Me?” She climbed off the bed. “This insanity is all your fault. Stop…” She waved a hand at him to signify everything that was Callum. “Stop being you!”

For a second he looked stunned, and then he burst out laughing. Isobel was so shocked by the sound that she almost forgot she was mad at herself. And then something else occurred to her.

“Are you clean?” she asked as her stomach lurched.

Callum grinned at her. Why he suddenly thought this was funny, she had no idea. Because it wasn’t funny. Not at all.

“Sexually. Are you clean?” She pointed at him. “Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases?”

“Woman, these are the things you ask before you jump a man.”

Isobel lifted her jeans and underwear and glared at him. “I’m being serious. Are you clean?”

“Aye. Are you?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Of course I am! I don’t have sex. Ever. The last man I slept with was my ex-husband. Before that, it was Jack’s father.” She waved her jeans at him. “I am the most responsible person I know. I don’t take chances. I can’t afford risk. I’m a mother. And then you come along! And every sensible thought in my head disappears. Seriously! Why is that? It’s like I want to sabotage my life. Well, what’s left of my life.” She pointed at him. “You mess with my mind. You…you…seducer of common sense, you!” She stomped towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind her on Callum’s laughter.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that bruise on your side,” Callum called after her.

“Idiot,” Isobel muttered as she ran the shower. And she wasn’t talking about Callum. Teenagers had more sense than she did. She’d almost had unprotected sex. Again. She shook her head in disgust and squealed when the door opened behind her.

“Do you mind? I’m trying to shower here.” She wasn’t. She was standing in the middle of his bathroom, castigating herself while wearing a sweatshirt and nothing on the bottom.

“Let me see.” Before she could stop him, he reached out and tugged up her sweatshirt, exposing the bruise.

Isobel didn’t look at it. She was of the firm belief that if you couldn’t see something, it didn’t hurt. Instead, she stared at Callum’s illegally hot bare chest and tried to come up with a way to immunise herself against the sight. She shivered when he gently traced the mark Ray had left.
