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“Like you’re the type of guy who’d take on a woman with two kids. A woman with no house, no money, no prospects. What does she have to offer you except sex? Huh? Guess that’s enough to keep your interest.”

Before Callum could think about it, his fist curled into Jack’s shirt and he had him pressed up against the wall. “Don’t make me take you outside and teach you a lesson. You will talk about your mother with respect and you will stay out of her personal life. Got it?”

“No.” The boy was brave and stupid. “Until you prove you aren’t going to use her and run, you can teach me as many lessons as you like, but I won’t butt out. I’ll be watching every single thing you do. And when you hurt her, when you abandon her, I’m going to teach you a lesson. Or, more likely, die trying.”

Damn if Callum didn’t like this kid. “That’s between you and me. But you keep your comments to yourself around your mother. That’s non-negotiable. She’s dealing with enough.”

Jack searched Callum’s eyes for a long moment before nodding. “You can tell your bodyguards to back off. I’ll keep this between us, and you can bet I’m watching every move you make around her. I know where you sleep. If I can’t get at you when you’re awake, I’ll get you then.”

Callum released Jack and stepped back, only to find Dimitri, Ryan and Megan forming a line behind him.

“Having problems, boss?” Ryan asked.

“I’m not your boss,” Callum snapped. “And this is between me and the boy.”

“Stop calling me boy,” Jack told him as he pushed past the group and headed for the kitchen. “Or I’m going to start calling you old man.”

The team watched him go.

“I like him,” Megan said. “Reminds me of someone else I know.” She tapped her chin. “Mmm, who could it be?”

“Get in the kitchen. We have a job to discuss.” Callum strode past her.

“I think the boss is a bit grumpy,” Dimitri whispered as they followed.

“Guess he isn’t getting any,” Ryan whispered back.

“If I have my way,” Jack said, “he won’t get any until he can prove he’ll do good by my mum.”

“I’m Megan,” Megan said. “I spent years making sure my big brother Don-Don didn’t get any. Stick with me, kid, and I’ll teach you everything I know.”

Callum swallowed a groan and headed for the coffee. Once he had a mug, he leaned against the counter and considered his team. No, not his team. The Benson Security team. The longer he was around them, the harder it was to remember that he had walked away.

“Right,” he said. “Let’s get this briefing started.”

The rest of the team pulled out chairs at his dining table, where Rachel and Elle were already seated.

“Is this something we should talk about in front of the child?” Rachel pointed a talon at Jack.

The kid instantly pushed his shoulders back, ready to face off with Rachel. Ah, the recklessness of youth. “Don’t even think about taking Rachel on. You’re just a tasty snack for her. You can stay. But everything said in this room stays here. No texting your friends or posting information on Facebook.”

“Instagram.” Jack relaxed again. “Only old people use Facebook.”

Callum shook his head and sipped his coffee.

“I’ll ask again,” Rachel said. “Are you sure he should be here?”

No, Callum wasn’t sure. But he was certain that if they kept Jack out of the loop, he’d go off and protect his family any way he saw fit, which would be dangerous for all of them.

“The boy has a family to protect. He needs to be here.”

Rachel still wasn’t convinced.

“I’m vouching for him,” Callum said before she could object again. “He’s my responsibility.” He looked at Jack to see how he took that news. Jack was staring at him with a strange look in his eyes, as though he was trying to figure out what Callum’s angle was. Good luck to him. Callum didn’t even know the answer to that.

“How much do you know?” Callum asked the team.

Rachel leaned back in her seat and studied him. Callum kept his face expressionless and waited. Rachel wouldn’t poke her nose into his business. Mainly because she didn’t care.
