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“And if he is a government agent?” Megan said.

“Then we’re in deeper than I thought. You can all kiss goodbye to your freedom for the foreseeable future, because if he is government, there will be people locking us up until they get all the answers they need.” Callum reached for his phone.

“If we’re going to lose our freedom,” Ryan said, “I need a last meal. There must be someone in Campbeltown who delivers out here. Anyone want pizza?”

The rest of the team shook their heads, but Jack held up his hand.

“If it isn’t the government,” Elle said, “it could be a thing this group is doing to stay off the radar. If I had prints from someone else on the team, I could see if their records have been erased too.”

“Unfortunately, we don’t have that. The house blew up taking any prints they might have left behind, with it,” Callum said.

“What about the black box Callum got from the pawnbroker?” Dimitri said. “Couldn’t you lift some prints from that?”

Elle shook her head. “It’s been handled by too many people. There’s no way to get decent prints off it now.”

“It’s a pity Isobel threw away the rest of the stuff in that bag,” Callum said. “We might have lifted a print from something in there.”

Jack cleared his throat and held up his hand. “Permission to speak,” he said with sarcasm.

Callum ignored the tone and pointed at him. “See that? I like that. You should all do it before you open your mouth. What is it, Jack?”

“Mum didn’t throw away the bag. She gave it to me to throw away.” He hesitated and shuffled his feet. “I didn’t exactly do what she asked me to do.”

Callum stilled. “Spit it out.”

“I traded the stuff for a video game I wanted.” The words came out in a rush, and his cheeks flushed a little when he realised he now had the undivided attention of everyone in the room.

“Traded it with whom?” Callum said.

Jack looked around before fixing his eyes on Callum. “Friend of mine. She’s making a robot, and I thought she could recycle some of the gear. Use it for parts or something.”

“Does this friend of yours still have the stuff?” Elle asked, practically bouncing with excitement.

“I think so.”

“Where is she?” Callum said. “She local?”

“She’s in Campbeltown,” Jack said. “We go to school together.”

Callum looked at Ryan. “Guess you’re going to Campbeltown. Take Jack and get that stuff back. Pay for it if you have to.”

“It’s late,” Jack said. “By the time we get there, we’ll be waking her family up. Her dad will be mad. Can it wait until the morning?”

“No.” Callum stared at Jack until he looked away.

“I’ll tell Mum where I’m going.” He dragged his feet out of the room.

“I’ll come with you.” Rachel picked up her black leather bag. “I managed to find a room in a hotel in Campbeltown that isn’t too awful. You can drive me instead of me having to call for a cab.”

“Thanks,” Ryan muttered.

“If you don’t need me,” Rachel said to Callum, “I’ll head back to London tomorrow. Something has come up that needs my attention.”

“We’ll be fine without you,” Callum said.

“More than fine,” Ryan muttered.

“I’ll wait in the car,” Rachel told Ryan. “Don’t take too long.” She strode from the room, expecting Ryan to follow.
