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Isobel panted, desperate for him. “Callum. In me. Now!”

He chuckled, a darkly wicked sound that made her even hungrier for him.

“Not yet.”

“If you don’t get inside me now, I’m going to scream.”

Her muscles were tight. Her toes were tingling. She needed him now.

“You’re going to scream anyway.” He sucked her clit and flicked his tongue over it.

Everything stopped. Froze. Suspended in the atmosphere. And then she was plummeting. Gasping for air. Feeling the rush of the earth coming straight at her.

She vaguely recognised the sound of plastic ripping and knew Callum had remembered to protect them. Then the thought was gone, because Callum was leaning into her.

Cool metal rubbed against her thighs. Warm muscle settled over her. He licked up her throat and she felt the head of his erection press into her. Too slow. Far too slow. She fought against her heavy muscles to wrap her legs around him, pulling him to her in one desperate jerk. They moaned as one as they slammed together.

“Woman, you need to learn patience.”

Isobel licked at his chest and tested the firmness with her teeth. He filled her, stretching her in a way that only he could. She never wanted it to end. She wanted to be locked with him forever.

“Vixen,” he whispered against her ear, making her shiver.

And then he was moving. Long, slow, powerful thrusts that made her lose all coherent thought. This time, they flew together.


“I feel stupid lying here with only woolly socks on,” Isobel said.

“You’re the one who wanted to keep some clothes on. Now you’re officially partially clothed. And, for the record, your stretch marks turn me on nearly as much as all those gorgeous curves of yours.” Callum stroked Isobel’s arm.

“You’re old and your eyesight is obviously fading.”

He grinned at the ceiling. “There is that, but I’d have to be completely blind not to notice how stunning you are.”

“Idiot,” she grumbled.

She lay with her cheek on his chest, playing with the hair. She had one leg thrown over his prosthetics, as though they were real limbs.

“You said earlier that we’re together now?”

Callum honestly didn’t know what answer she wanted to hear, so he went with the truth. “Aye. We’re together.”

She stilled before resuming the circles she was drawing on his chest. “I don’t think I can do another relationship.”

He completely understood. With her experience, there was no way she could trust that he would be there for her. Even marriage hadn’t been a guarantee for her. The only way to prove he was different from the losers she’d known before was to show her. And that would take time.


r a minute, he was shocked to find himself thinking about a future with Isobel. About permanence. About living his life with what he had now instead of lamenting what he’d lost. She’d given him that. His miracle.

“One day at a time,” he said, and kissed her hair. “We’ve got enough to think about without planning a future. Let’s see how things go first.”

He felt her tense, and she looked up at him. “Callum, are you saying you want a future with me because you think I might be pregnant?”

“No. I’m saying it because you’re you.” He looked down at her. “It’s early days, but Isobel, you’ve got to know that you’ve given me more than I ever expected to have. If this is all I ever get, then it’s still a treasure worth having.”

Her eyes filled with tears and she pressed her cheek back against him.
