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“In the drawer. Want to let me in on what the cause is?”

“Why, I’m surprised you don’t already know.” She reached into the drawer, the movement making her grind down on him and earning her a groan. “I’m sacrificing myself to bolster the male ego.” She bit the pack and ripped it open. “Apparently, even though you have more muscles than Jason Momoa, you still need your ego to be stroked.”

“Trust me, that isn’t the part that needs stroking.”

She handed him the condom. “Show me,” she whispered.

And he did.


Not bad for an old guy.


“ELLE,” CALLUM BARKED, AND ISOBEL wondered if that was his normal voice for talking to his team. “Why are you wearing fluffy pink handcuffs for bracelets?”

Isobel looked over at the computer expert, who was sitting at the dining table in front of her laptop, and sure enough, her wrists were ringed with novelty cuffs. They clashed with her blue hair and bright yellow sundress.

“Because the bas—” She glanced at Sophie, who was playing on the floor. “The…uh…moron took the key, that’s why. Dimitri cut off the chain, but we can’t get the bracelet part off. None of our keys work, and the nearest locksmith who could do the job is in Glasgow.”

Megan started to laugh, and Callum cut her off with a look.

“You want to tell me which moron we’re talking about?” Callum folded his arms over his grey Henley and glared at his team, which they all seemed really pleased about. Isobel couldn’t help wondering if they were all a little insane, because if Callum gave her that look, she’d run for the hills.

“David. He’s the ba—moron who did this,” Elle said grumpily. “He paid me a visit last night. Told me to stop hacking government databases and then he left.”

“He left her cuffed to the bed, she means.” Megan grinned.

Isobel spilled some coffee grounds. “There was a strange man in the house? How did he get past all of your security? I thought nobody could get in.” She’d felt safe in the basement. In Callum’s arms. In fact, she’d felt so safe down there that she’d spent most of the day hanging out in the basement with Sophie. She’d only surfaced an hour ago to make dinner for the team—her way of saying thank you.

His eyes softened when he looked at her. “You are safe. David worked with us.”

“Plus, he’s like a super spy,” Megan said. “Think James Bond and the guy Tom Cruise plays in Mission: Impossible. He can get in anywhere. But he’s a good guy, we think, so we’re not too worried that he broke in.”

“Not helping,” Callum said.

“He’s no super spy,” Elle muttered. “He’s an irritating pain in my backside, that’s what he is.”

“Why am I hearing about this now?” Callum arched an eyebrow at them. “Nobody thought that telling me about this when it happened was a good idea?”

Dimitri cleared his throat, and it wa

s obvious he desperately wanted to smile. “Um, I tried to, boss. You were kind of occupied. Both times I tried.”

“Way to go, Callum.” Megan held up a hand for a high five, and he just glared at her.

The front door banged open and Ryan and Jack strode in.

“I need food,” Ryan said. “Jack ate all the snacks in the car.”

“I’m a growing boy.” Jack flashed a grin at his mother.

“We haven’t had anything since dinner, which we charged to Rachel’s room.” Ryan looked pleased with himself.

“She’ll make you pay for that,” Megan said. “And dinner was, what? An hour ago?”

Ryan shrugged and headed straight for the pantry. “An hour is a long time for my stomach.”
