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Suddenly, Ryan and Dimitri were running.

“I’ll get weapons,” Dimitri called. “Megan, check the windows and doors.”

“On it,” Megan shouted, and ran.

“They know our location?” Callum asked Elle.

“They were too fast, Callum,” she said. “I’m sorry. I should have expected it after the way they’d wiped their operative’s background. They have someone on their team who’s really good.”

“And they know we were looking into them? Here?” Callum said.

Elle was obviously shaken. “Yes.”

“Callum.” Isobel’s voice shook. She couldn’t help it. She felt like her whole body wanted to shake and keep on shaking until she disappeared entirely. “What’s happening?”

He held her. “There’s a team in the area. The ones who blew up your house. The ones who saw my face. They now know we’re onto them and they know where we are.”

“The police…”

“By the time they get here, it could be too late. And the local police force isn’t equipped to deal with something like this. They won’t be armed.”

Isobel looked at Jack, who was paying close attention to every word Callum said. He looked so much older than his years. And he looked ready to fight. Her gaze shot to Sophie, who was tugging at Callum’s hair and watching everyone with that intense expression she got. She knew something serious was happening, she just didn’t know what.

Callum let go of Isobel’s waist and stepped back. He put a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eye. “The police might not know how to handle this, but we do. Dimitri, Ryan and I are ex-military. Elle and Megan have been in situations like this before now and have had training in handling weapons. You have to trust us. We will keep you safe.”

Isobel nodded, just as a light above the door started flashing.

“The perimeter has been breached.” Callum lifted Sophie from his shoulders and handed her to Isobel. “Get downstairs. Now. Jack, Elle. Move it. Downstairs.”

They turned and ran.


THEY DIDN’T HAVE COMM DEVICES, so there was no way for Callum to keep in touch with his team. They were working blind, and he didn’t know what each of them was dealing with. The team had brought a few weapons with them and Callum had a couple stashed in his house, but it was nowhere near what they would need if they were under a full-scale assault.

His phone buzzed as he ran down the stairs, and his heart surged. Phone. Text. It was better than nothing. He pulled it out. Dimitri.

Three in front.

His phone buzzed again. It was Ryan.

Two back.

Five men.

Callum’s mind was racing as he hurried the women and kids into the basement. The room wouldn’t protect them for long. It wasn’t a proper panic room; it was an old guy’s project that Callum had tinkered with because he’d been at a loose end for months.

His phone vibrated. He looked at the screen. Megan.

Two big-ass cars coming down the drive.

“Who the hell are these people?” Callum muttered.

Elle pulled him aside as they rushed into the underground room.

“I got some information before the backtrace shut me down.” She looked visibly shaken, which didn’t bode well for what she had to say. It took a lot to shake Elle. “I saw the ACAB Militia logo.”

Callum actually felt sick. His eyes shot to Isobel, who was terrified and desperately trying to hold it together for her kids. Jack was scared but clearly determined to help. He’d deliberately positioned himself between his little family and the doorway. Callum felt a surge of pride for the boy. His eyes went to the tiny three-year-old in Isobel’s arms. Sophie’s little thumb was in her mouth as she watched Callum intently. The trust he saw when they looked at him, changed something within him. His life clarified. He’d found his purpose again. It was standing in front of him, and he would do everything within his power to save them and give them the secure life they needed.
