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“Rescue.” Callum scoffed. “We were handling it.”

“Yeah,” Ryan said. “We didn’t need no rescue.”

Lake’s lip twitched again as he signalled to two members of his team, whom Callum hadn’t met, and they rushed into the bathroom. “We’ll get the boy upstairs. The ambulance should be here any minute.”

Isobel pulled back from him and made to rush into the bathroom after Lake’s men. Callum held her in place. “Let them get him out. We’ll go with them.”

“Be careful going up the stairs,” Lake said. “You’re missing some of the steps. And your house is rubble.”

“Figures.” Callum didn’t care. He was holding the woman he loved, and that was all that mattered.

“Does this mean you’re coming back to Benson Security?” Lake said as the men carried Jack past him on the closet door.

“Arsehole, you never let me go.”

Lake gave him a real smile and followed Jack up the stairs. Callum looked down at Isobel, whose worried eyes were on her son.

“He’s safe.”

“I know. He’s safe now.” She turned to him. “But only because of you.”

“Don’t forget the rest of us,” Ryan grumbled.

“All of you,” Isobel said with a hiccup.

“You need help getting up the stairs?” Ryan asked, and the rest of his team stilled.

There was a time when even insinuating that Callum needed help would have gotten a man shot.

“Aye,” Callum said. “Dimitri, take Sophie. Isobel, you follow them up. Ryan has to help me because my leg is stuffed.”

She peeled herself

from him reluctantly. Callum understood; he had to force himself to let her go. As he watched her disappear into the stairwell, Ryan came up and swung an arm around his waist.

“Lean on me, boss,” he said.

With a growl, Callum put his arm around Ryan’s shoulder, and they started towards the door.

“Does this new attitude mean I can start making leg jokes?” Ryan said.


“Are you sure? It seems to me that your argument for keeping me quiet is moot.” Ryan grinned. “In fact, some might say you don’t have a leg to stand on.”

“When we get out of here, I’m going to shoot you.”

“Well, we’d better hop to it, then.”


Ryan just laughed.


JACK HAD BEEN IN GLASGOW’S Royal Infirmary hospital for three days. They’d had to operate on him to fix the internal damage caused by the knife. Isobel had been assured that nothing major had been hit and he would make a full recovery. He’d always have a scar, but it would be small. Sometimes, when she was alone and no one was looking, she had to hold on to the nearest wall to stop herself passing out at the thought of her son having a knife scar.

Callum had gone with her to the hospital, making sure that she and Sophie were looked over and given the all clear. They were physically fine, although Isobel expected there would be many nightmares in her future. She looked up from Jack’s bedside in the small private room Callum had finagled for them, to see him stride in. The fix for his leg had been simple—all it needed was a part swapped out—and Isobel had been relieved about that.
