Page 11 of Hard Freak

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“Okay. I’m pretty starved. Can we go get something to eat on the way?”

She was really grinning now, thinking she’d won. “Sure thing. Burgers?”

I groaned. “Why is it always burgers?”

“Because that’s what’s open late at night. We could go kebabs? Pizza?”

“Whatever you like.”

I checked myself in the mirror. Fiona’s makeup really did suit me. It seemed a shame to waste it on a cheap burger joint.

“Okay, let’s go,” Polly said.

We ended up getting pizza and having a fun night. I didn’t even try to see Crow when they came back to the hotel. I could hear them talking, but I stayed in my room, planning my escape.

I had one major obstacle to overcome. I couldn’t turn up at the festival and hope to see Crow. There’d be a million girls trying to get into the backstage area, and I’d just be one of them. Security wouldn’t know who I was. I had to get a pass.

The next morning, I got Fartstard alone.

“Can you get me an access pass for the festival?” I asked him.

He scratched his head. “I can, but I don’t know if I should. I thought you guys were staying here.”

I nodded, then shot him my brightest smile. “Just in case, you know. Polly might change her mind at the last minute, and I want to be prepared. Come on, you’re the man. You’re the one who can make it happen.”

“Sure,” he said.

Awesome. With that sorted, the rest of my plan would fall into place. Good old Fartstard.

After the show that night, everyone wanted to go to a bar.

“I think I want an early night,” I said.

If I went out drinking, Polly would hover over me all night. It’d be a total pain in the butt with her doing that, and rather than waste money having a shit time, I’d have a decent sleep.

“Okay, I’ll go back too,” she said.

I gave her a look. “You don’t have to do that,” I said.

She glared back.

“Seriously,” I said. “I plan on sleeping. I’m not that comfortable around some of the crew at the moment, with all the gossip about me, and you shouldn’t miss out on time with Damo because of me. I’ll behave. Pinky promise.”

I held out my pinky finger like I used to when we were kids. Polly laughed and hooked fingers with me.

“You’d better behave. Look at this,” she said, holding out a strand of her hair to me. “You’re turning me gray! Premature aging.”

“Actually, Polly, I think that’s because you’re old. I mean, you’re nearly thirty.”

She slapped my arm. “I’m nowhere near thirty.”

The two of us giggled. It was much nicer being on tour without the strain. Even if I was only pretending to make her happy, I was much more relaxed.

I got back to the hotel and started watching a movie on my tablet, but I fell asleep before it’d barely even started. I really had been more tired than I thought.

I didn’t know how long I’d slept, but a banging woke me up. Damn crew had obviously gotten back drunk and were making a racket in the hallway. I put my pillow over my head. They’d collapse in a drunken heap soon.

The banging didn’t stop. It was on my door. Hells. What was going on?

I wasn’t sure I wanted to open the door in case one of those sleazy roadies had the wrong idea.

Unless it was Crow.

That had to be it. He’d waited until the others were drunk and had come back so we could be alone. A smile crept over my face as I opened the door.

Polly pushed past me into my room.

My heart sank. Not only was she not Crow, but she was red-faced and angry.

“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” she screamed.

“Sleeping,” I answered. “Well, I was until you woke me up.”

“You asked Fartstard to get you a laminate for the festival? I can’t trust you for a minute.”

My stomach dropped to the ground. This would not go well for me. I had no excuse I could give. But Fartstard had betrayed me.

“That bastard. He told you?”

I’d kill him. He’d promised he’d get it for me, but he’d gone running behind my back to Polly. I’d never trust him again.

“You aren’t a child, Fay. Stop playing these stupid games.” Her hands balled up into fists.
