Page 20 of Hard Freak

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I struggled, but he was way too strong for me. Someone had to help me, but there was no one else around.

Chapter 13

I KEPT SCREAMING, BUT no one cared. There was music playing in about ten different spots around the VIP area, and no one would even hear me unless they were close.

“Let go of me, you stupid jerk!” I screamed. “I’m not interested!”

He ignored me. I dropped the tacos and tried to hold on to one of the metal poles holding those tarps up, but my fingers were all greasy from the tacos, and he easily pulled me away. I had no chance against him.

“Settle down,” he said. “I just want to talk.”

“You don’t talk by mauling people,” I told him.

I’d fight this bastard to the death if I had to. I couldn’t count on Crow coming to rescue me again. I couldn’t count on anyone.

This guy’s area wasn’t nearly as fancy as the Freaks’, but he had a sofa, and he threw me on it.

“Come on, just a little taste,” he said. He started undoing his belt buckle.

Hell, no. I jumped up off that sofa and rushed out of there. He tried to grab me again, but he was too slow. I ran as fast as I could, my feet bouncing on the rubber mats under me until I got to the Freaks’ area.

“What’s wrong, Firecracker?” Elijah asked. “All out of tacos?”

I tried to answer but couldn’t talk. Then he looked at me and put his arms around me.

“What’s wrong?”

I didn’t want to say. People kept saying I’d get myself in trouble, but I’d only gone to get a taco. It wasn’t like I’d been doing anything wrong. I couldn’t tell him anyway because every time I tried to talk, it came out as a dry sob.

Then Crow walked in. He saw me in Elijah’s arms.

Damn. The way his face dropped. This was not good.

“It’s not like it looks,” I said, pulling away from Elijah.

“It looks like you’re upset and Elijah’s comforting you,” he said. “Is that right?”

I nodded.

“What happened?” His dark eyes flashed.

I didn’t want to tell him. He’d tried to punch the guy earlier. If I told him about this, I didn’t know how he’d react. This could mean trouble. But I couldn’t lie to him, either.

“Nothing. I’m overreacting,” I told him. “It’s fine.” I forced myself to smile.

He put his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t lie to me,” he said. “It takes a lot to wipe that bubbly smile off your face. You’re a little ray of sunshine. Now, tell me.”

I wanted to rest my head on his chest. I wanted him to tell me it was okay. But I did not want to tell him what had happened.

“Promise you won’t do anything,” I said.

“I can’t promise that,” he said. “But I’ll try.”

The music buzzed around us, an annoying mish-mash of noise. People whooped somewhere in the distance. I didn’t want to tell him. I wanted to get far away from here.

“It was stupid. I’m overreacting, I tell you. That guy, the jerk who knocked my burger—he was being a dick.”

“Did he touch you?”

I hesitated. The look on Crow’s face suggested he might kill the guy. I didn’t want him doing anything stupid.

“Where is he?” Crow asked. I didn’t want to answer, but he turned to Elijah. “That electro guy, Elijah, what’s his name?”


“Yep, that’s him.”

Crow strode out.

“Go with him, Lij. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid,” I said.

Elijah nodded and took off after Crow.

Rose put her arm around me and led me to the sofa. I sat down, but I couldn’t keep my hands still.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said. “And Elijah will make sure Crow doesn’t do anything stupid. Just wait for them to come back.”

I tried to smile. “I shouldn’t have—”

“There’s nothing you shouldn’t have done. Well, except the hitchhiking. But going to get some food—you should be able to do that without some idiot molesting you.”

I nodded.

She started talking about the show. Asking me questions. I knew what she was doing: trying to distract me. But it helped a little. I was just worried that Crow would punch him, and he’d end up being the one in trouble. Even so, a part of me wanted him to grind that guy into the ground. Make mincemeat out of him. The freaky creep.
