Page 3 of Hard Freak

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I could barely eat my cheese and bacon fries with the excitement welling up in me, and it took a lot to turn me off cheese and bacon fries.

“So, you going?” Jax asked me again.

“Nah, I really need an early night. It’s okay for you guys, but I have the spotlight on me. I can’t look old and decrepit out there onstage.”

Ha, just like I’d intended, that got them all fired up. They were too busy arguing over who the decrepit ones were that I could plan this out in peace.

“You okay to get back to the hotel alone?” Polly asked as they were leaving. “I could walk back with you.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “It’s a couple of blocks. I’ll be fine.”

I shot her a sweet smile. I’d be totally fine, no doubt about that.

Chapter 2

RATHER THAN GOING STRAIGHT to the front desk, I lingered around the reception area. The clerk I wanted had another guest with him, and the other girl working didn’t look like she’d fall for my charms. She had serious business written all over her.

Finally, the other guest moved off. I walked up and leaned on the desk, telling the clerk my room number.

“Can I grab the key to 1201 too?” I asked. “Damn dopey drummer thinks he left his music on quite loud. He doesn’t want to disturb the other guests, so he asked me to turn it off for him.”

The clerk grinned. “It shouldn’t be a problem. We have top-class soundproofing.”

Drat. That wasn’t part of my plan. I leaned over farther, like I had something really confidential to say.

“Dude, you have no idea. This guy’s half-deaf, you know, from all that drumming. He has his music really loud. Maximum bass, too. My room’s near his. It’s going to be a total pain in the butt for me if I can hear it. I’m a really light sleeper. I’ll just run up, turn it off, and bring the key right back down.”

He hesitated, so I grinned. That sweet grin that showed up my dimples.

He grabbed the key out of the slot behind him and handed it to me. “Don’t tell anyone I did this. It’s strictly against hotel rules.”

“No problem,” I said, and I winked. “I’ll be right back with it.”

I acted cool until I got in the elevator, then I did a happy dance. So far, so good.

When I got to our floor, I opened Crow’s door, then put the latch over to keep it open while I ran back downstairs. There was no one else on our floor except the bands and crew, and they were all out drinking. That’d be no safety concern at all. Were there security cameras on this floor? Would they see me sneak back there? I’d worry about that if I got sprung.

I got straight back in the elevator and returned the keys.

“He’s a damn fool,” I said to the clerk, rolling my eyes. “He hadn’t even left it on. Damn brain-addled musos.”

The clerk laughed and took the key out of my hand. “Better safe than sorry, I guess.”

I nodded and rushed back upstairs. If I sent a text to Crow, telling him there was a surprise waiting in his room, he might hurry back, but that could backfire badly. I didn’t want Polly getting suspicious and following him back here. He’d said he’d only stay out for a drink or two. Crow was no party animal.

While I waited, I looked around his room. He kept his room really neat. Well, barren more than neat. My room was a disaster. I’d thrown everything out of my case trying to find an outfit to wear to dinner, then I’d upended my makeup bag on the dresser. As soon as I arrived at a new place, all the photos had to go up wherever I could prop them in the room, too. Photos of my family and friends. I loved having those reminders close to me.

Crow didn’t seem to have much in his room. Just his clothes and some spare drumsticks. Not one personal touch. If it hadn’t been for that faint smell of his, I could be in any random room.

I gave the room a quick scan. It was his room, wasn’t it? I hadn’t gotten the number wrong? This could be a world-class disaster if I’d screwed up.

Without one personal item to check, I went to the wardrobe and took out one of his shirts. I put it to my face and breathed in the smell of it. Happiness crept through my body. That smell always reassured me.
