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Mimi gave her friend a shaky smile. “It’s hard to work out your problems when one of you doesn’t think any exist.”

“Who else knows?” Pilar asked softly.

“No one yet. Zeke asked me to wait. But I can’t hold off forever. I mean, people are going to notice he’s not living at the house. We’re telling the kids first, of course, then our families, and then…everyone else.”

“So Allie doesn’t know either?”

Allie was Zeke’s younger sister. Although Mimi was only four years older than Allie, she felt more like a mother to her than a sister-in-law. Allie would take the news hard. She was engaged to marry her high school sweetheart Tom Donalan this summer and Mimi had promised she would help with the wedding, a promise Mimi would naturally keep. Just because she and Zeke were having problems didn’t mean her relationship with her sister-in-law would change.

“I’m having lunch with Allie tomorrow. I plan to tell her then. After I have a couple of stiff drinks.”

“You don’t think Zeke has already told her?”

“This is Zeke we’re talking about. Remember?”

Pilar smiled sympathetically. Like the rest of Mimi’s close friends, Pilar knew Zeke well enough to know that when it came to discussing his feelings (or anything else remotely personal), Zeke was the poster boy for the strong and silent type. Allie might be his sister, but like the rest of the people in Zeke’s life she was on a need-to-know basis. And there was precious little Zeke Grant thought people needed to know. Plus, there was the fact that Zeke was still hoping this whole time out thing would blow over and they could pretend it never happened.

“Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.” Pilar drew her into a tight hug. “And pretty please, and I’m speaking as both a friend and a lawyer here, don’t do anything rash.”

“I promise,” Mimi said, swiping away a tear. “Oh, God. Do mayors cry? Because I’m pretty sure they don’t.”

“Mayors do whatever the hell they want. It’s part of the benefit package.”
