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“So you forced her to break department rules and go out with you?”

Cindy nearly jumped out of her seat. “No! Of course he didn’t.”

Zeke sighed. “No one is getting fired.” He gave them both a stern look. “But in the future, if you find that you can’t abide by department rules, come to me and we’ll see what we can do.”

“I’m not getting fired?” Rusty croaked.

“I can’t very well fire my best officer, can I?”

“Does this mean…we can still date?” Cindy asked hopefully.

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with the business of this department, I don’t care what you do on your own time.”

“I’m your best officer?” Rusty asked slowly, as if this was some kind of test.

“You’re damn right you are. That’s why I’m counting on you to help me find who stole this money.”

“Anything, Chief! Just name it. I’ll work double over-time on this case. I’ll lead a sting operation. I can go undercover. Anything you need. I’m not worried about the danger! No siree, just put me to the test.”

“Rusty, I just need you to think.”

“Oh.” Rusty sounded disappointed. “Sure. I guess can do that.”

Cindy nodded in encouragement. “He can definitely do that.”

“Great. Here’s the thing. Can you describe the guy who was, uh, being friendly to Cindy last night? He might have been a decoy. Not that Cindy isn’t attractive enough to be pursued, but I’d like to try to find him and ask him some questions.”

“You think he hit on Cindy to distract me from my post?” Rusty asked. “Golly, I never even thought of that.”

“It’s a possibility. Either he was a decoy, or maybe he got rid of you to double back to the booth and take the money himself.”

Rusty’s shoulders slumped. “That’s a good theory, Chief. A real good theory. But it’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

Cindy and Rusty glanced at one another.

“Because of who the guy is. He would never rip off the festival. It makes no sense,” Cindy said.

“Because?” Zeke prompted.

“Because it’s the city manager. Doug Wentworth.”


Mimi had only been to Bruce Bailey’s home a couple of times before. Once for a school fund raiser, and the other time for a woman’s tea that Bettina had hosted to promote a line of cosmetics Mimi hadn’t purchased. Today’s visit wasn’t going to be as blandly pleasant as either of those.

She knocked on the door. Bettina answered. Her eyes went round when she saw who’d come to visit. “We need to speak to your husband,” Zeke said.

Bettina seemed oddly...meek. She ushered them inside the spacious, overly decorated living room. Tofu came running from the back of the house, barking like a fiend.

“Will you shut that mutt up?” Bruce yelled. “Who was at the—” He walked into the living room and stopped short. “What are you two doing here?”

“What do you know about Doug Wentworth?” Mimi asked, not bothering with any niceties.

“See here,” Bruce blustered, “You can’t just walk in here making demands—”

“After this morning’s fiasco, you’re lucky I don’t knock your head off,” Zeke said.
