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The living room exploded with laughter. Over fifty of their friends had come by to wish Claire good luck. Kitty and Pilar and the rest of the Bunco Babes. Roger Van Cleave was there, as well as Viola and Gus Pappas. Momma had made her own special version of lasagna (which Mimi had to admit, was even better than hers), and Mimi had stayed up all night baking. Her stomach felt bloated, but she was too happy to care.

She spotted Allie going down the hallway and into the den that Allie had used as a bedroom whenever she visited before moving back to town. Mimi decided to follow her. She’d hoped for Zeke’s sake, that Allie would get a chance to talk to him today, but the two of them had kept their distance.

Allie was sitting on the bed looking at a framed picture of Buela. “Just five more days,” Mimi said from the doorway.

Allie glanced up from the photo. “I know. Kind of hard to believe, huh?”

“Are you all ready? I mean, mentally?”

“I’ve been ready to be Mrs. Tom Donalan since I was eighteen,” Allie joked. Only Mimi knew she meant it more than anything she’d ever said before.

“I’m so happy for you,” Mimi said, sitting on the bed next to her sister-in-law.

“You know Lauren brought me Buela’s old record player last week? I’ve been listening to all her old albums and it’s almost as if…she’s here again.”

“It’s like everything’s come full circle, huh?” Mimi said softly.

“And Claire Bear!” Allie said, using the nickname she’d given Claire since she was a little girl. “I can’t believe she’s going to Duke! I’m so proud of her.” She hesitated. “What does Zeke think?”

“To be honest, we haven’t had time to talk to each other since that speech. But I know he’ll be excited for her.”

“So…are the two of you back together?”

“We are most definitely together. He moved back in last night.”

“I’m glad.”

Mimi reached out and took Allie’s hand. “Look, I know you and Zeke have to work things out for yourselves, but there’s something you need to know.” She proceeded to tell Allie all about how Zeke, at eighteen, had sought their father out to ask for his help, only to find him drunk in a bar.

Allie frowned. “He never told me about Buela’s heart condition. Or that he wanted to enlist in the army. Why didn’t he tell me any of this before?”

“Because he’s Zeke Grant, the most impossible man on the planet.”

“But he’s your man.”

“That he is,” Mimi said. “And, for what’s it worth, he only did what he did because he loves you so much. He’d do anything for you, Allie.”

She nodded. “I know.”

“And, I’m supposed to keep this a secret, but after everyone leaves the party, when it’s just our family and you and Tom, more guests are coming.”

She waited till Allie realized exactly who those “guests” were. “Zeke invited Daddy to come here today?” she asked incredulously.

“It was difficult for him, but last night he called Sam and invited him and his wife and son to meet everyone. It’s a first step. A beginning, maybe, but Zeke realized Sam’s problem isn’t just his. It belongs to all of us. And…he wants to get to know Jeremy.”

Allie’s cheeks were wet with tears.

Maybe now wasn’t the best time to bring this up, but time was running out. Mimi took a deep breath. “So…and please, you know you’re like a sister to me, so feel free to tell me the truth here, but all this preaching to Zeke made me realize what a hypocrite I’ve been. All this time he kept the truth about Sam from you, I’ve been telling him how he needs to give you the choice whether or not you want Sam in your life.”

“I don’t understand, how does that make you a hypocrite?”

Mimi rose from the bed and went to the closet. She pulled out Beula’s dress and showed it to Allie. “I had Lauren redo the dress. I know it’s old fashioned and nothing like the dress you bought yourself, but you need to make the choice. And whichever one it is, it will be perfect. Because you’re perfect and I love you.”

Weddings in Whispering Bay were always a big deal. First off, there were only so many places to get married and the Whispering Bay United Methodist Church was one of them. Located directly downtown, no one running errands today could miss the commotion. Especially with almost four hundred guests invited.

Mimi and Lauren were in the vestibule, helping Allie with her dress and last minute preparations.

“It’s gorgeous,” Mimi sighed. “Buela would melt into the ground with happiness if she could see you right now.”
