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“I feel great. Thanks for asking.”

“So, you’re over Thursday night?”

“Thursday night… Oh! Was that you who gave me a ride home from Bunco?”

He stopped and looked at her. “You weren’t that drunk.” Then his gaze narrowed. “Were you?”

She wanted to laugh. He must have realized she was joking because he grinned at her and began walking again. “No, I wasn’t that drunk, although,” she frowned, “I have to admit, I really don’t remember anything we said to one another.”


There was some small inflection in his voice that made her pause before admitting, “Nope. Is…there something I should remember?”

“No,” he said, but Mimi got the impression he wasn’t being a hundred percent truthful. “By the way, I haven’t had a chance to thank you for backing me up the other day at lunch. With Allie,” he clarified. “I’m glad we’re on the same page about the wedding.”

“Of course,” she said.

“So, how are the plans going?”

“To be honest, we haven’t gotten much further than the date and the church. I told her to make up a list of people she wanted to invite. Once we have a number we can look into reception venues.”

He placed his hand over her arm, stopping them both. Cameron was now far enough ahead that he wouldn’t be able to hear them. “I know I said it before, but thank you,” he said.

“For what?” she squeaked. His hand felt warm and firm against her skin. She wanted to pull away, but if she did, then he’d know the effect he had on her. Although, it was probably moot. He’d always known the effect he had on her.

“For being there for Allie.”

“I love her. I’ll always love her…no matter what.”

“Look, baby, can we talk?”

“We’re talking now.”

“I screwed up. Let’s go back to counseling.”

Her knees began to go wobbly. When he looked at her like that, turning on the Zeke Grant charm, it was impossible to say no to him.

“What’s going to be different this time, Zeke?”

“This time I’m going to do everything I can to make it work. And yeah, I know how that sounds.” He blew out a breath, like he was frustrated. “I love you, Mimi. And I know you still love me.”

Her heart flew up to her throat. His confidence was so…infuriating. But it was one of the things she both loved and hated about him.

“When did you start riding your bike again?” she asked.

His right eye-lid twitched. She knew he hated the way she’d just changed the subject, but he played along anyway. “I pulled it out of storage last weekend and took it to a shop in Destin for a tune up. She might be old, but she still rides pretty well.”

“You’ll be careful, right?”

His gaze met hers. “Does this mean you still care?”

Well of course she cared, and he damn well knew it. But they were here to pick out a dog for their son. Why did he have to turn everything around and make it all about them? “Cameron asked me about our living arrangements. He wants to know what’s going to happen next.”

“That’s up to you,” he said.

“We don’t have to decide anything right now, do we?”

“No, I guess we don’t.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “I moved into Rusty’s cousin’s cabin last night. It’s no luxury hotel but it’s free and relatively clean. I might even be able to get some fishing in while I’m there. Maybe Cameron can join me next weekend? I think he’d get a kick out of the place.”
