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“You want to know where you are every night?” he asked solemnly.

“Me? Here in my house?” she said, feeling confused. Because, where else would she be?

He picked up her hand and placed it against his chest. She could feel the slow but steady beat of his heart against her palm. “You’re right here with me, Mimi. Every single damn night we’ve been apart, you’ve been right here with me.”

Who knew that Zeke Grant, Despoiler of Virgins, could be so simply, and yet, so devastatingly eloquent? If he opened his mouth to say one more thing and ruined that most perfect line, she’d kill him. So to keep him alive (and keep her from going to jail) she did the only thing she could. She stood up on tiptoe and covered his mouth with her own. He immediately responded with a kiss that…well, if a kiss could be worth a thousand words, then this was the Gutenberg Bible of kisses.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her up against him. How could something so familiar be so foreign at the same time? She’d spent half her life with this man. His kisses were ingrained in her DNA. But this kiss…this kiss made her forget everything except the fact that it had been over four months since she’d last slept with her husband.

That was one statistic that was about to change.

He lifted her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. It took them about two seconds to get to the bedroom. He playfully tossed her on the bed and began tearing off his clothes, letting them fall haphazardly on the ground. Mimi propped herself up on the bed with her elbows in order to get a better look, because watching Zeke Grant get undressed had always been a favorite pastime of hers.

Her elbows suddenly went wobbly and a second wave of lust, this one totally unexpected, threatened to take her under. Zeke had a beautiful body, tall and lean and muscular, but good grief, he was absolutely ripped.

“Someone’s been working out,” she squeaked.

His gaze took in her pajama bottoms and the ratty robe and she didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that he was wondering why she still had clothes on. She was beginning to wonder the same thing herself.

“You know, if you wanted it this bad you didn’t have to dial 911. I’d have been happy to come over with a simple phone call.”

Oh, there were just so much she could say to that. But she was too busy getting naked to come up with a line worthy of that delicious piece of snarkiness. She missed this. This fun back and forth banter that had always been a hallmark of their lovemaking.

She slipped off her panties and tossed them over the side of the bed. She might not be as buff as Zeke, but any insecurities she had were nipped by the fact that he was currently looking at her as if he wanted to eat her alive. Which, by the way, she had absolutely no problem with.

He got on top of her and kissed her again. She’d forgotten how hot his skin always felt when they laid against one another with nothing between them. His kiss was slow and sweet and she began to feel like one of those spools of cotton candy you bought at the fair. All wound up and ready to melt at the same time.

Thump! Thump!

Mimi couldn’t help herself. She started to giggle.

Zeke gazed down at her, his dark eyes full of laugher as well. “Do you think that’s round two? Or does he just have a lot of stamina?”

“God, I hope for her sake he finishes up soon.”

“Save the sympathy for yourself.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” she joked.

He gave her an evil looking grin. “Take it any way you like.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” It was the last coherent thing she said before he placed his mouth over her collarbone. Then he worked his way down to the tops of her breasts and to the delicate, almost ticklish skin beneath them. It had always been an erogenous zone for her.

He nipped gently with his teeth, causing her to moan. She placed her hands on top of his head and pushed him further down (not gently at all) because it had been too damn long since she’d felt this good and she simply couldn’t wait any longer. He ran his big hands down her thighs, then slipped her knees over his shoulders and went to

town on her.

She tried to stifle her moans, tried to be as quiet as possible, until she realized for the first time in the longest of times that there were no kids in the house. Her brain did a quick rewind.

There were no kids in the house.

There was no reason to be discreet. No reason that she couldn’t let go the way she’d always wanted to. So she did.

Poor Zeke. She must have scared the crap out of him because he immediately popped his head up to look at her. “Are you okay?”

“For God’s sake, Zeke, don’t stop.”

“Right.” He went back to doing that incredible thing he did with his mouth and if he thought she’d been loud before, then she probably busted his eardrums when she came. Even the armadillos were probably afraid of her.
