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“Let me clarify that,” Kitty said, “Adam and Eve after they got kicked out of the garden. Not before.”

“In other words, no nudity? That’s kind of…disappointing.” The thing about Shea was that she could be completely serious here. Or not.

Pilar squealed when she pulled out her slip of paper. “Anthony and Cleopatra!” She immediately looked contrite, however, in what Mimi assumed was an attempt to be humble.

Mimi was the last one to pick. She stared at the paper. It seemed strangely coincidental. But there was no way that this could have been rigged.

“Who did you get?” Pilar asked.

“Rick and Ilsa.”

“From Casablanca? Wow. Isn’t that like, one of your favorite movies?” Frida asked.

Mimi nodded.

“Okay, so is everyone happy now? Can we go back to playing Bunco?” Kitty asked.

They went on to play for another hour before calling it a night. Mimi was just getting into her car to go home when her cell phone pinged. It was a text from Allie.

Come by my place when you’re done with Bunco tonight!

Uh, oh. Mimi hoped this wasn’t what she thought it was.


Allie flung the door open before Mimi could even knock. “I saw you pull up in the driveway and I couldn’t wait.” Her brown eyes glittered with happiness. In the background, Roger Van Cleave, Allie’s roommate and business partner, chuckled.

Allie had been living with Roger, a prominent member of the Gray Flamingos and a former photojournalist with Life magazine, since she’d moved to town over a year ago. It was an odd matchup to be sure, but it worked. Allie was like the granddaughter Roger never had, and she’d needed a mentor and a place to stay. In the beginning it had made sense. The two of them had resurrected the old town newspaper, The Whispering Bay Gazette, an endeavor that had taken lots of hard work (and lots of coffee, according to Allie) to make happen. But it was time to move on. In just a couple of months, Tom and Allie would be married and she’d move into his little house near the beach. Mimi hoped Roger wouldn’t be too lonely. But she suspected Allie would still spend a lot of time here, married or not.

“Don’t just stand there, come in!” Allie pulled her into the living room. Mimi had been to Roger’s house countless times but she always felt a sense of awe in this place. Pictures of Africa, Australia, and South America decorated his walls. All places Roger had once been to and taken photos of. He’d also had a stint working at National G

eographic. There was barely an inch of wall that wasn’t covered in some exotic location.

“What’s going on?” Mimi asked.

“Just this!” Allie ran down the hallway and came back holding up a long halter style ivory colored gown. It was simple. And elegant. And chic. And about as different from Buela’s dress as you could get. “I know I promised you I’d wait and we’d go shopping together, but I couldn’t help myself. Can you believe this is off the rack?”

“So…it’s your wedding dress?”

Allie made a face. “Well, of course it’s my wedding dress. I know what you’re thinking, it’s not actually from a bridal shop, but it’s perfect. It’s exactly what I’ve always dreamed of.”

Mimi took another, longer look at the gown. Allie was right. It was a lovely dress. The style suited her tall slim form. Mimi could see her in it now, with her long dark hair pulled back in a simple chignon and a few flowers in her hair. It was simply…Allie. Buela’s dress on the other hand, now seemed fussy and overdone. Why had Mimi ever thought Allie would want to wear it?

“She’s done nothing but stare at it ever since she brought it home,” Roger said with a grumpy cheerfulness.

“It’s gorgeous,” Mimi said.

“I knew you’d love it, too! So, am I forgiven for not waiting for you?”

“Of course. Don’t be silly. There’s nothing to forgive.”

Allie grabbed her into a hug. “I know we’ve been planning this wedding for a while, but now that I have my dress it makes it all seem real, you know?”

Mimi nodded. She was happy Allie had found her dress, she really was. This wedding wasn’t about Mimi or anything or anyone else; it was about Allie, and what she wanted.

Speaking of which…

Mimi thought about what Zeke had said about Sam Grant. That Allie wouldn’t want to hear from her father. She had been so sure that Zeke was wrong about that, but maybe he was right. Looking at Allie’s choice for a wedding dress made Mimi question her own judgment. Not that there was anything wrong with the dress, but it wasn’t what Mimi would have picked for her.
