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“And…you’ll tell Zeke? Because I know if I try to, he’ll pull that macho I’m-paying-for-the-wedding-and-that’s-that routine, but if you tell him, he’ll listen to reason.”

“Sure, I’ll tell Zeke.”

Allie reached across the kitchen table and placed her palm on Mimi’s forehead. “Are you sick? Don’t take this the wrong way, because you’re gorgeous, but you look a little tired. Have you been sleeping? Wait, of course you haven’t been sleeping. When are you my idiot brother going to come to your senses? It’s not like the two of you don’t love each other. And you’re still having…you know, sex, so what’s the problem?”

“You heard about the bridge incident, too?”

“Oh, babe, the whole town knows. First it was the armadillos, and now…um, doing it on the Bay Bridge?” Allie giggled. “They’re calling it Mimi and Zeke Sex 2.0.”

“Oh God.”

“Hey! It’s a testament to how popular the two of you are. Everyone’s rooting for you, you know.” Allie went momentarily quiet. “Especially me.”

“I know,” Mimi said, reaching out to hug her sister-in-law.

“So what’s really going on?” Allie asked. “I just don’t get it. I really don’t.”

This was the worst part of being a wife. Torn between that loyalty to your husband and to the other people you loved. But if she told Allie, Zeke would never forgive her. Mimi was just going to have to give him another ultimatum. Tell Allie about Sam Grant before the wedding, or else.

Or else what? They were already living apart.

“Hopefully, it will all be resolved soon,” Mimi said, knowing how cryptic that sounded. She glanced at her watch. “Crikey. I have to be at The Bistro for a festival committee meeting in fifteen minutes.”

“How’s that going? Everyone is so excited about Fatback Bubba and the Rattlesnakes! Did you know their new CD is going to be picked up by a major Nashville label?”

“Wow. I had no idea,” Mimi said.

“I’m trying to do an interview with Fatback himself for the Gazette. You know, sort of local band makes it big. That kind of thing.”

“Do you think you could do it before the festival? It would be great publicity.”

“I’ll try.”

Toby glanced up from his spot on the kitchen table. “Can you do me a favor and put Toby out in the backyard?” she asked Allie. “I have to get going and the kids won’t be home till after dinner, so I need to make sure the animals are taken care of.”

“No problem,” Allie said. “Where’s Claire’s little cat?”

“Buttercup!” Mimi called out. No answer. She did not have time for this. “She likes to hide in Claire’s room. The other day she completely shredde

d an entire curtain panel.”

“Can’t you de-claw her or something?”

“I’m totally on board, but Claire says it’s cruel and unusual punishment. As long as the cat stays in her room, I’m okay with the claws, but Claire keeps closing her bedroom door and Buttercup gets trapped in there and can’t get to her litter box.”

“Why not move the litter box to Claire’s room?” Allie asked.

“Ha!” Mimi said, “Claire says moving the litter box to her room is cruel and unusual punishment for her.”

“Let me guess. You’re the one who cleans it?”

“Bin-go. Which, I knew was going to happen.” Mimi shrugged. “But I really don’t mind. Claire seems a lot happier with the cat around.”

“Is she still pretty bummed about not getting into FSU?” Allie asked.

“She doesn’t really talk about it, but I’m sure she’s disappointed.”
