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“Well… I hate to say it—”

“Oh, go ahead and say it. You’re a big boy.”

The crowd laughed.

“You’re right,” he sputtered. “That’s exactly where I plan to go.” Then under his breath so that only she could hear him, “You’re just a housewife, damn it. How in blazes did you ever get enough votes to beat me in the last election?”

“Good to finally have that out in the open,” she said, handing him back the mic. “Go on.”

He wiped the sweat off his brow and cleared his throat. “Thank you, Mrs. Grant, perhaps I did get too personal there. Let’s forget all about the next item on my list—the Bay Bridge incident. I’m sure there are many couples who get their thrills by having sex in public.” He let that sink in a moment.

“The real charge here,” he said to the crowd, “the one that simply cannot be written off is Mrs. Grant’s failure to provide adequate security at the festival. It was Mrs. Grant who refused to appropriate funds to pay the off-duty officers the festival normally employs, ensuring that the atmosphere would be ripe for thievery. As the wife of a police officer, you would think she would know better. When I first heard about this, I admit, I was skeptical. But now, it’s all come together. I don’t want to point fingers, but it’s been brought to my attention that the chief’s own father, who was seen wondering around the festival last night acting very suspiciously, has a police record. Can we really count on the two most important figures in our city government to put their personal feelings aside and investigate this crime with the due diligence it deserves? I think not.”

Mimi’s gaze flew to Zeke’s. He looked ready to strangle Bruce with his own two hands. If Mimi didn’t get to him first, that is.

Once again the crowd began to talk at once. Several people began shouting. Mimi recognized Pilar and the rest of the Babes. They were all sitting in the front of the bleachers, and they were all booing Bruce.

But that didn’t faze Bruce one bit. “I ask you good citizens of Whispering Bay! Do we let the wolf inside the hen house to count the eggs? No, we don’t! Therefore, I put forth this motion to recall Mimi Grant as mayor and to temporarily suspend Zeke Grant as chief of police until this matter is cleared up!”

The entire gym exploded. And so did Zeke. He stormed his way to the podium and ripped the mic from Bruce’s hand causing Bruce to recoil in mock terror. Mimi almost expected Bruce to begin shouting police brutality. Too bad, he didn’t. She’d love to see Zeke sock Bruce in the nose.

“People!” Zeke said, trying to calm down the crowd. “You all know me. And you know Mimi, too. I know you’re too smart to believe the crap Bruce Bailey has been trying to sell here this morning. But unfortunately, he has a point.”

Everyone stopped talking.

“I take full responsibility for the theft last night. I was dancing with my wife when I should have been helping with security. I promise you one thing, though. I will find whoever took this money. And I’ll make sure that they’re prosecuted to the full letter of the law. No matter who it ends up being. And if you find that I can’t fulfill that promise, I’ll turn in my badge.” Mimi sucked in a breath. “That’s all I’ve got to say.” Then he handed the mic back to Bruce and walked out the gym.


Mimi was on her way out the gym door to follow her husband when Claire came running up to her. “Mom, hold on a minute.”

What on earth was Claire doing here? Had she heard Bruce Bailey’s speech?

“Honey, I thought you were home with Cameron.”

“He’s twelve now, Mom. He’s old enough to not burn the house down. At least, not on a Sunday morning. Besides, he’s got Toby looking out for him.”

“Hello, Mrs. Grant.” Mimi had been so shaken to see Claire that she hadn’t noticed Adam. He took Claire’s hand. “I’m really sorry…about all that back there.” His face went pink.

“Not as sorry as I am,” Mimi said.

“Um, Mom, so…you know Adam,” Claire said uncertainly.

“Of course I do.” Mimi tried for her best smile. “I hear you and Claire are dating,” she said to Adam.

“Yes, ma’am, we are.” He glanced around the crowded gymnasium. “I know this isn’t a good time and all, but I wanted to say I’m sorry for the sneaking around. I want to date Claire openly. If you and Mr. Grant are okay with that.”

“We’re perfectly fine with that, Adam,” Mimi said. She wanted to add that they’d been perfectly fine with it all along. At least on her part. But the important thing was that Claire seemed to want to communicate again.

Betty Jean Collins caught her attention and came rushing up to her. “Oh, Mimi, this is…well, on the one hand it’s terrible! Zeke cannot resign as chief of police. He simply cannot. On the other hand, I’m happy to see that the two of you are back together!” She winked at Mimi, then paused. “You are back together, right?”

“Betty, this isn’t the best time to discuss this,” Mimi said, motioning with her head toward Claire and Adam.

“Oh! Of course. Just wanted to let you know I’m totally on your side! Team Mimi and Zeke all the way!” Betty said, running off to who knew where. For an almost eighty-year-old woman, she sure did seem to have a lot of energy.

“Okay, so that was weird,” Claire said.

“Tell me about it.” Mimi glanced back out toward the door. “Honey, I’d love to stay and talk, but I need to catch up to your dad.” Before he single handedly takes Bruce Bailey out. She thought it was best to keep that thought to herself, though.
