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Wait. What? The past week she hadn’t had a minute alone. Of course, she wanted a couple of nights to herself!

“If you’re afraid I’m going to burn the place down or something, no worries. I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.”

* * *

Luke, it’s your mother. Isn’t this terrific? I’m texting!! Victoria says it’s so much easier to communicate this way and I have to agree. Now, make sure that Cameron takes his vitamins. And don’t forget to feed the cat. She tends to hide when strangers are around. If you need anything at all I’ll be available.

Luke stared down at his phone screen. His mother and Torie were now texting one another? He sent Torie a message. Hope all is well. Is my mom bothering you?

It only took a few minutes for her response.

Goodness, no! Ann has been a Godsend. She’s given me some terrific suggestions for the wedding menu! Oh, and I haven’t gotten your RSVP, but I know how terrible you are at that kind of thing so I asked your mom and she said to go ahead and put you down as a yes, plus one. Hugs!!

* * *

The weather was sunny and not as hot as it should have been for the first week in August. A perfect day to go fishing and bond with one’s nephew. Luke pulled his truck onto the side of the Grant family garage where Zeke was piling a stack of luggage into the back of the minivan.

“All those bags for just one weekend?” he asked Zeke.

“Claire wants to make sure she has the appropriate outfit for anything that might come up.” Zeke sighed, then turned an amused gaze on him. “How about you? You up for this weekend?”

“Why does everyone think I can’t handle a couple of days with my own nephew?”

“Who thinks that?”

“I just got a text from Mom reminding me to feed the cat.”

Zeke looked surprised. “Ann is texting?”

“Apparently.” He left out the part where his mother was now also texting his ex-girlfriend.

Zeke slapped him on the back. “No worries. I have total faith in you, my man. It’s just, you know, you’re a bachelor. Set in your ways. That kind of thing.”

Mimi and Claire appeared in the small garage. Claire wore shorts and a Duke T-shirt and Mimi…

Luke blinked hard. He’d seen his sister just a few days ago. “What are you eating? Magic beans or something?”

Mimi laughed, then rubbed her growing belly. “I know! Isn’t it crazy? I just kind of popped out overnight.”

Zeke put a protective arm around his wife. “We left all the emergency numbers by the kitchen phone. Not that you’re going to need them, but just in case.” The emphasis on not needing them wasn’t lost on Luke. First Mimi, then Sarah and his mother, and now his own brother-in-law. Why did they all think he was so helpless? He co-ran a multi-million-dollar company. A thirteen-year-old kid and a couple of pets would be a piece of cake in comparison.

Mimi gave him a tour of the house, not that he needed one, but she showed him where all the essentials were, then with one last big hug to her son, she gingerly climbed into the minivan where Zeke and Claire were already buckled in and waiting.

“I thought they’d never leave,” Cameron said, waving one last time to his family. Toby, the drooler, barked furiously as the minivan pulled away.

“You too, huh?” Luke said, grinning down at his nephew. Claire looked more like Zeke than the Powers side of the family, but Cameron definitely had his sister’s good looks and easygoing smile. “So, what do you want to do?” He really hoped the answer was fishing. But this weekend wasn’t about him. It was about spending time with his nephew.

“Whatever you want to do, Uncle Luke.”

“We could kick a soccer ball around,” Luke suggested, knowing how much the sport meant to his nephew. “Or we could catch a movie or go bowling or—”

“Or we could go fishing,” Cameron said.


“Sure. Mom says you’re the best fisherman she knows. Not that dad isn’t good,” Cameron rushed to add, “but she says if I really want to learn how to catch fish then you’re the person to show me. “

Luke couldn’t help but feel flattered. “Then fishing it is.” He glanced around the house. “What do we do with the dog and the cat while we’re gone?”
