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They loaded up their plates with food, but the only spot left to sit at was a table where his family and some of the Gray Flamingos were already seated.

“Sarah! I’m so glad you could come tonight,” Mimi said, grabbing Sarah by the hand. She pulled her into the only empty seat on that end of the table. “We need to catch up.” Sarah and his sister then began an animated discussion involving The Bistro and local politics.

So much for a little harmless flirtation.

Luke found a seat between his mother and Viola Pantini. “Are you enjoying your big night?” Viola asked.

If this was his big night then someone please kill him now. He smiled politely. “As a matter of fact, I am.” Because to say anything else would be rude, and he genuinely liked Viola.

“I wish my niece Jenna could have been here tonight. She was planning to come, of course, but she’s still packing up her apartment in Clearwater. She started her new job as city manager last week and she’s just been so busy.”

“I’m sure she’ll do a great job,” Luke said sincerely.

Viola and his mother exchanged a look that made Luke uneasy. What was it that Mimi had said? That Jenna Pantini was his mother’s new hope for him? Victoria 2.0, she’d called her. It didn’t take a degree in rocket science to figure out what they were up to. He wondered if Jenna was in on it or if she was as much a dupe as he was. The couple of times he’d run into her, all he’d ever picked up was a friendly but definitely not interested vibe. It was best to nix this whole matchmaking scheme before it went any further.

“I had some good news the other day,” Luke announced. “It looks like my firm has a good chance to win a contract in Alaska.”

The entire table turned to look at him.

“Alaska?” Mimi said. “Didn’t you just come from there?”

“No, I’ve been in Louisiana for the past couple of months. I’ve never done a job in Alaska. If it pans out, we might even open up an office on the west coast.”

His mother let out a large sigh. “Surely, you won’t have to go though, will you? Can’t you hire more engineers to do that?”

“Yes, but if we get this contract then they’ll ex

pect either Ethan or myself to head up the team. Besides, working in Alaska has always been a dream of mine.”

No one said anything for a second.

“I think that sounds fabulous,” Sarah said. “Alaska is so beautiful. At least, from what I’ve seen in pictures and on TV.”

Viola shivered dramatically. “But it’s so cold!”

“And so far away,” his mother added, giving Viola another pointed look.

“I wouldn’t be moving there,” he said. “Just doing an assignment for a few months.”

This was met with more silence. Then the sound of someone tapping a mic caught their attention. Luke turned in his seat to see Stacey up on the stage, holding a microphone in her hand.

“On behalf of the Sunny Days’ Preschool Program, we want to thank all of you for coming out tonight!” The crowd applauded. “And a special thanks goes to the Bunco Babes and their spouses for donating all the decorations!” This was met by more applause and whistles from his sister and a nearby table where a large majority of her Bunco friends were sitting. Luke recognized the usual suspects—Kitty and Steve Pappas and Pilar and her husband, as well as a handful of others.

Stacey waited for the applause to die down. “The silent auction is going fabulously and the good news is that there’s still time to put in your bids. Bidding will stop at exactly eleven pm, so don’t get left behind! Desserts, provided by The Bistro by the Beach, will be served shortly and I have a special surprise for y’all! Harry Tuba and his Polka Band have agreed to play for us. So, don’t be shy! Let the dancing begin!”

The lights dimmed and a polka tune, not that Luke would have recognized the song’s title, filled the air. Almost immediately a table full of the Gray Flamingos got up and began to fill the small dance floor.

“Oh, no. Not Harry Tuba,” Mimi moaned.

Zeke stood and offered her his arm. “C’mon, let bygones be bygones.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, but I’m not going to enjoy it.”

“Oh, yes, you are,” Zeke promised, causing Mimi to laugh.

Viola leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Your sister and Harry Tuba have a bit of a history.”

Before Luke could ask what that meant, a bony finger tapped him on the shoulder. “I might not be able to outbid this Juliet person, but this dance is all mine.” Betty Jean Collins stood before him, decked out in a long, silver, sparkly dress that seemed too dressy for the occasion, but what the hell, he was wearing a tuxedo, so they practically matched.
