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Mimi ignored her brother. “Oh, yes, of course! It’s one of those twenty-four-hour bugs. You know how it is! Nothing some fluids and a day spent in bed won’t take care of. But, of course, there’s no way she can make it today. No way at all,” she added dramatically.

“That’s too bad,” Luke said, sounding more amused than worried. “But I wonder why she called you and not me.”

“She probably forgot your number. Good thing she has me on speed dial, since she’s the city manager and I’m the mayor.”

“Why didn’t you just call and tell me Jenna couldn’t make it?” Luke persisted. “You didn’t have to drive all the way out here.”

Sarah was wondering the same thing, especially since Mimi had that “important meeting” she couldn’t miss.

“Oh, it’s no problem.” She looked up at the sky. “My God, what a gorgeous day! It’s such a shame that Jenna is sick. What with all the work you’ve done on the boat and all the work Sarah has done to create that absolutely scrumptious basket.” She glanced between Sarah and Luke. Her eyes widened and she snapped her fingers. “Say! I just got this fabulous idea. Sarah should go on this date instead.”

“Me?” Sarah glanced down at her Got Coffee? T-shirt and cargo shorts. “I’m not really dressed for a day out—”

“You got a bathing suit on you?” Luke asked. “If not, I’m sure my sister has conveniently brought one along that you could borrow.”

Mimi ignored the sarcasm in her brother’s voice. “As a matter of fact, it just so happens that I do have a spare bathing suit on me.”

“Imagine that,” Luke said dryly.

“I have my own suit in the car, but thanks.” What on earth was going on here? Other than the obvious, which was that Mimi seemed to be pushing her on Luke, but that made no sense.

“Great,” Luke said, “then let’s get this party started.”

Just like the dance on the night of the silent auction, there was no good reason to refuse him. “I was going to the beach this afternoon, but I guess a day on a boat would be kind of nice.”

“That settles it!” Mimi said gleefully. “You two kids have fun!”

Chapter Seventeen

Sarah grabbed her beach tote and headed into the marina bathroom to change into her bathing suit, slathered on enough sunscreen to kill a moose, then slipped a pair of shorts and a tank top over her bikini. Was she really doing this? She was going to spend an entire day with Luke. Alone. On his boat. Heaven help her but she was in big trouble.

He steered the boat out onto the open water and for a long time neither of them said anything. He’d been right about the weather forecast. The day was hot, but sunny and clear with not a cloud in the sky. He stood behind the console, his big hands gripping the steering wheel with confidence. A gentle breeze tousled his brown hair and if she’d thought he looked sexy before, that was nothing compared to now. Big trouble? Ha. That was putting it mildly. If he kissed her again, she’d be putty in his arms.

He drove the boat around several small islands, giving her a history of the area. He was friendly and knowledgeable enough to make an impressive tour guide. She wanted to ask him what he thought about the scene back at the marina, because, come on, it was so obvious that somehow his sister had manipulated them into this situation. But why?

Not for one second did she believe that Jenna was really sick. For one thing, Mimi’s face was probably more transparent than Sarah’s. Secondly, she didn’t know Jenna all that well, but Sarah was pretty good at reading people and, from what she’d seen so far, Jenna had the kind of personality that wouldn’t allow something as insignificant as a mere germ to ruin her plans. No. If Jenna Pantini wanted to be here, not even the Ebola virus would get in her way.

They’d just returned to open water when they encountered a pod of dolphins. Luke slowed the boat to a stop so she could take pictures with her cell phone. Mom would love this.

“Are we going somewhere in particular?” she asked him once he started the boat up again.

“I thought we’d go to Crab Island.”

Crab Island, it turned out, wasn’t really an island. It was a giant sandbar located at the entrance to the bay where dozens and dozens of boats floated in the shallow, crystal-clear blue water. There were people snorkeling and swimming and walking through the waist-high water, a floating restaurant where a band was playing Jimmy Buffet, and even a giant inflatable obstacle course.

“This is awesome,” Sarah said.

Luke nodded. “I hoped you’d like it.” The way he said it made her think that he’d designed this date just for her. But that was wishful (not to mention crazy) thinking. Nothing about today had been planned for her, so it was probably best not to read too much into his statement.

He anchored the boat, then pulled off his T-shirt and handed her a mask and fins. “There’s some really pretty underwater scenery around here. You’ve snorkeled before, right?”

She made a disgusted sound under her breath. “I’m a native Floridian. What do you think?”

He grinned and then she took off her shorts and tank top, leaving her in nothing but her red bikini. The grin slowly faded and his look became openly appreciative. Good gravy. Luke Powers was Checking. Her. Out.

She took a big breath.

Well, of cou
