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Luke leaned forward in his seat as if he was about to say something, but Sarah slipped her hand under the table and placed it firmly on his thigh in warning. He turned and looked at her, his blue eyes furious, but then Sarah shook her head slightly and the fire in his gaze dimmed.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sarah could see Victoria and her groom making their way around the room, greeting their guests. They were still at least four tables away. Luke wanted to stay until he got the chance to congratulate Victoria. Hopefully, that would be soon. Sarah had had enough of the wedding of the century.

The band, which up to now had been playing background music during the meal, finished their song and the conductor came up to the mic. “Ladies and gentleman, it’s time for the happy groom and his beautiful bride to grace us with their first dance as a married couple. May I present, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Main!” The room began to cheer loudly.

Jeff led Victoria out to the dance floor. The lights in the ballroom dimmed and a spotlight shone on the couple as they danced to Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud. Either Jeff and Victoria were the most accomplished ballroom dancers ever or they’d taken lessons, because Sarah had to admit, they danced beautifully together.

Afterward, the band began playing everything from Sinatra to Justin Timberlake to Bruno Mars. Sarah spotted Ethan and Julie on the dance floor. She wondered if Luke wanted to dance, but he seemed gloomy. He hadn’t eaten much and had been nursing the same drink all night. Was he having second thoughts about Victoria?

Sarah swallowed hard. She didn’t think so. But why else would he be so quietly moody?

Victoria and Jeff resumed greeting their guests, and soon they were standing in front of their table. Victoria looked even more beautiful up close than she did far away. She was tall with dark hair pulled up in an elaborate hairdo. Her paleness was accentuated by her perfect makeup and her dress, an off-white, form-fitting sequined gown, could have come straight off the cover of Bride magazine.

Victoria kissed her female relatives and Jeff shook hands with the husbands. Then it was Sarah and Luke’s turn. “Congratulations,” Luke said to Jeff. “I’m Luke Powers.” Jeff shook his hand solemnly, not smiling, but he was polite enough. “You look lovely, Victoria,” Luke said to the bride.

A shadow of sadness crossed Victoria’s face. “Thank you, Luke. I’m glad you could make it.” She turned and gave Sarah an unsteady smile. “And this must be your date?”

“Sarah Jamison,” Luke said, placing his arm around her waist.

“Well! I’m just so glad you could be here. Tell your mother hello for me, Luke. She’s been an absolute angel helping with this wedding!” Sarah couldn’t tell for sure, since she’d never met Victoria before, but it seemed as if her words were slurred like she’d had too much to drink. But then, a lot of brides got tipsy at their own weddings and the liquor was certainly flowing freely tonight.

The bride and groom went off to the next table to start another round of felicitations.

“Can we go now?” Sarah asked quietly.

“Absolutely,” Luke said.

Then the band began to play The Way You Look Tonight and he grinned. It was the first time this evening that he’d seemed relaxed. “It’s not the polka version, but they’re playing our song.”

“Yes, they are.”

He took her by the hand and led her out to the dance floor. Even with the four-inch heels, he still towered over her. She sighed and leaned her head against his chest as he pulled her in tightly. “I know I already said it, but you look gorgeous tonight,” Luke said.

“Thank you, sir, as do you.”

She could feel his chuckle as it rumbled through his hard chest.



She gazed up at him. “Are you all right?”

He hesitated before answering. “I guess I’m just disappointed, is all.”

“In…how things ended up between you and Victoria?”

He looked blank for a second, then he shook his head. “God, no. I already told you, I was never in love with her. I’m disappointed because…let’s just say I have a pretty good idea why she wanted me at this wedding and right now it’s not sitting too well.”

“Yeah, me, too. She wanted to rub it in your face. How she’s happy and how she’s moved on without you.”

“I didn’t think she was that petty but, if that’s what she needed to get on with her life, then so be it.” He smiled at her. “You’ve been terrific, by the way. Putting up with that crap back there at the table.”

“What? You mean Anastasia and Drizella?”

He looked puzzled.

“Cinderella’s evil stepsisters.”
