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Sarah sat down on the couch next to the drunk girl. Luke was probably already waiting by the car, but she didn’t want to leave Diana here alone in case she got sick again.

“How did Victoria and Jeff meet?” Sarah asked. Maybe that would help put the girl in a more positive frame of mind.

Diana pulled the damp cloth off her forehead. “After your boyfriend dumped her, she was absolutely desperate to get him back, so she went to see Dr. Jeff.”

At Sarah’s blank expression, Diana explained, “He’s a plastic surgeon. One of the best in Atlanta. She wanted Botox and her lips plumped and a boob job.” She laughed. “She ended up getting all three and snagging Dr. Jeff as well. He’s forty-five but he tells everyone he’s forty. It’s his third marriage, but she’s the first wife he didn’t make sign a pre-nup and he’s rich as all get out. Besides his medical practice, there’s lots of old family money stashed in the vault. I give the marriage three years, tops.”

Diana stood and stretched her arms over her head. “I better get out there in case Victoria notices I’m missing. I’m supposed to be one of the girls who makes a big deal of trying to catch her wedding bouquet. Which, if you want a word of advice, don’t even go for it. It’s already arranged. It’s going to her friend Katie.” She took a long look at herself in the mirror, fluffed her hair, then sauntered out the door.

Wow. With friends like that, who needed enemies?

Just as all that was sinking in, another woman came into the bathroom. Dear God. It was Victoria. In all her ten-thousand-dollar-plus wedding dress splendor.

“Oh, hello!” Victoria said, stopping short when she noticed Sarah. If she felt uncomfortable in Sarah’s presence, it didn’t show.

“I was just leaving,” Sarah said, trying to politely slip out the door.

“Don’t go,” Victoria said. “We haven’t had a chance to talk.” She sat on the couch and patted the space next to her in invitation. It was the last place on earth Sarah wanted to be, but it would be rude to walk out on the bride at her own wedding.

Sarah reluctantly sat on the edge of the sofa. “Okay. But just for a few minutes. Luke is waiting for me.”

For a split second, Victoria looked like she was going to cry, but then she smiled brightly. “I’m so glad you and Luke could come to the wedding.” She leaned back as if to inspect Sarah. “And aren’t you just precious? Where did Luke find you?”

Naked, in his bed. As truthful as it was, she didn’t think Victoria would appreciate hearing that. “I’ve been in Whispering Bay working temporarily for the summer. He and I aren’t dating. We’re just friends.”

Victoria shook her head sadly. “Oh, baby doll, I watched the two of you dancing. Believe me, I can tell when a woman is in love.” She let out a huge sigh. “Once upon a time, I was in love with Luke, too. But lucky for me, Jeff came along and I snapped out of it.”

Sarah wanted to tell her that she wasn’t in love with Luke but, right now, all she wanted was to end this conversation as quickly as possible and get out of here. “Congratulations. You and Jeff seem very happy.”

“Oh! We are.” She lowered her eyes, then squared back her shoulders and looked at Sarah. “Can I give you some advice?” Sarah was about to say no, but Victoria went on anyway. “If you and Luke are really just friends, then keep it that way. I would hate for you to end up the way I was once.”

Up until now, Sarah hadn’t put much credence in Victoria’s words, but there was a sudden sincerity in her dark eyes that made Sarah go still.

“You’re probably wondering why on earth I invited Luke to my wedding. When Luke and I broke up, I vowed I’d find a way to hurt that man the way he’d hurt me. I wanted him to come to my wedding and see what he was missing. But all that went out the window the moment I saw him. All I see now is a selfish man who can never love anyone but himself.”

Sarah felt her hackles rise. “You’re wrong about that. Luke is capable of great love. I know that because I’ve seen it.”


“He loves his sister and his family. Very much.”

“Yes, but then, don’t we all? I’m talking about the kind of love that requires a sacrifice. He simply isn’t capable of it. The only thing that means anything to him is that precious company of his. If you stay with him, eventually, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. My advice to you is to get out now before you’re in too deep, because it’s only going to end in heartbreak for you.”

Sarah stood on shaky legs. Victoria believed every word she was saying, Sarah could see that. But just because Victoria’s experience with Luke had been negative, didn’t mean it would end that way for Sarah. Theirs was a completely different scenario. Sarah had no expectations for their relationship with Luke past next week.

Except, whenever she thought of Luke, she never thought of actually saying good-bye to him. That thought stayed frozen in her brain for a few long seconds.

Sarah swallowed hard. “I’m going to go now. Congratulations and…thank you for your advice, but truly, I don’t need it.”

Victoria looked at her with pity. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Sarah exited the bathroom, desperate to get away from the crowd that was now storming the dance floor to do the Electric Slide. She didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye to Ethan and Julie but she couldn’t find them in the crush. Her cell phone buzzed in her purse.

You okay? Luke texted.

On my way now. She texted back.

The doorman, dressed in complete livery, including top hat, opened the front door for her. Luke was waiting in the circular driveway, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the rented Audi in a pose that could have come straight from GQ. He looked so achingly handsome it almost brought tears to her eyes.
