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“No question,” Zeke said, frowning. “You okay? You don’t seem like yourself tonight.”

“Sorry, I’m just tired is all.” Which was the truth considering he’d hadn’t slept much this week. He’d been busy getting ready for his upcoming trip to Alaska. Tomorrow morning he’d head back to Atlanta so that he and Ethan could strategize on the company’s new direction before Luke headed out west.

And, of course, there had been that thing with Sarah.

We had a really terrific summer and I’ll always remember you, but… I think it’s better if we say good-bye.

She’d always remember him? What the hell kind of kiss-off was that? She might as well have patted him on the head like a dog before walking out the door. It had been four long days and nights and he still couldn’t get those words out of his head. He doubted that he ever would.

He was angry, sure, partly because he hadn’t seen it coming, but mostly because he missed her, damn it. The beach house wasn’t the same without all her junk cluttering up his bathroom and all those candles, and all her…

And all her.

He missed her laugh and the way she hummed in the kitchen while she was cooking. He missed the funny noises she made when they watched TV and the feel of her next to him when they slept at night. But most of all, he just missed talking to her.

He wanted to know how things went with the purchase of the food truck, to see how she was doing, and even though she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, he wanted to know if she needed anything, because he needed to know that she was all right.

She might not want to pursue a relationship with him, but there couldn’t be any harm in a friendly phone call. Except she was on a cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic and there probably wasn’t any cell phone reception.

Cameron’s name came up in the men’s conversation, and Luke sat up to pay attention.

“Cameron looking forward to the big game next week?” Tom asked. “It’s all Henry can talk about.”

“He hasn’t mentioned it,” Zeke said, “but I’m sure he is.”

Shit. He’d meant to talk to Cameron before now and ask him how things were going with the traveling soccer team. He’d make a point of asking him tonight. As a matter of fact, there was no time like the present, so he’d do it right now.

He excused himself and got up from his chair. Toby immediately ran to his side and followed Luke back into the noisy house, drooling along the way as usual.

“I think Toby thinks you have a treat for him,” Mimi said. She was in the kitchen, where half a dozen women were busily putting together food and passing out drinks to the guests.

Cameron scratched the top of Toby’s head. “He probably thinks you have some bacon in your pocket, huh, Uncle Luke?”

“Bacon?” Mimi turned to Luke with an amused expression. “Why would Toby think you have bacon in your pocket?”

Cameron winked at him, and something stirred in Luke’s gut. He’d never forget the fear he’d experienced that night thinking he might be responsible for losing Toby. Or the relief afterward when Sarah had helped find him.

Or later that night, when they’d shared their first kiss. He could live to be a hundred and he’d never forget how sweet she’d felt in his arms.

Stop thinking about her, damn it.

“Well?” Mimi said, looking puzzled. “Luke, are you all right?”

He shook his head to clear it. “I’m fine.”

“The bacon is a secret joke between me and Uncle Luke and Sarah,” Cameron said.

“Mmmm,” Mimi said. “Not sure I like the sound of that, but if Sarah is involved then I’m sure it’s all good.” His sister looked at him meaningfully.

“What?” Luke said.

“It’s too bad Sarah couldn’t come to the party.”

Before Luke could respond to that, Cameron piped up. “Yeah. I wish she was here. She plays a mean game of Monopoly.”

“I’m sure she does, but then, she’s pretty much perfect in every way,” Mimi said. “I’m sure she’s having a blast on her cruise. I hope she meets someone nice, you know? Some guy who’ll—”

“Cut it out,” Luke growled.
