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I brush the tears off my face and hide the pregnancy test and the packing in the bottom drawer behind all the spare towels and razors we’re not allowed to use. Just another thing my mother insists on keeping for unexpected guests. I adjust myself, making sure she doesn’t get suspicious. I open the bathroom door, forcing a smile onto my face. “I’m fine, Mom. I’m feeling better already.”

My mom studies me from head to toe before she frowns. “I’m just worried honey. It comes with the job description, ya know.”

I swallow back the tears as I realize in nine months I'll have the same job description. I pull my mom into a hug and know the obstacles Levi and I have been keeping up will be shattered soon enough.

“I love you, mom,” I whisper before I rush to my bedroom.

After I close the door, a flood bursts from my eyes, clouding my vision. How the hell did this happen? We used protection every single time. My heart jumps into my throat when I remember the night in Levi's car. We didn't use protection that night. It had been spur of the moment. As I recall, I realize there were two other times we didn't use protection either.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I so badly want to call Vayda and ask her to come over, cry on her shoulder and ask for her advice but there is no way I can do that. She’ll already hate me for dating her dad, she’ll kill me if she found out I was pregnant with her half brother or sister. I cringe at the thought and realize I’m in way over my head.

I love Levi, and I want a future with him, but suddenly that seems impossible. I curse myself. I really got myself into big trouble this time. What if Levi doesn't want the baby, what if this is a deal breaker, what if…

My mind trails off, and I realize none of that matters, the only thing that matters now is the baby growing inside me, and I sure as hell won't let anyone interfere with its happiness.


What the hell is going on? I pace around the kitchen, my hand sliding over the counter where I first tasted Oakley’s sweetness. She's been avoiding me for three days, and it's bothering the hell out of me.

We were supposed to tell our families two days ago, and she's ignoring my calls and my texts. I try her number again.

“Hi, it’s Oakley. Leave a message after the beep.”

I slam my phone down as Vayda walks into the kitchen. “Hey dad, what’s up?”

“Not much.” I pour myself some juice and lean against the counter trying to seem casual even though I’m reverberating with impatience. “I haven’t seen Oakley around for a few days, you two have a fight?”

Vayda shakes her head and shrugs. “No.” I sigh relieved knowing Oakley didn’t tell her yet. “I think she’s got the flu, or a bug or something. She’s been kind of distant lately.”

I don’t want to ask any more questions that’ll make Vayda suspicious. Oakley has never distanced herself from Vayda, if she’s distancing herself from her closest friend, something is definitely wrong. I clench my jaw and decide if I haven’t heard from her tomorrow I’m going over and finding out what the hell is going on. We’ve sneaked around long enough, and I’m not having our first fucking fight in secret as well. If she’s going to push everyone away because she’s tired of lying, it’s time we stopped.

I spend the rest of the evening checking my phone every fucking five minutes. I look toward her house and see Oakley's lights are off. For a moment I consider heading over there, but the chance of being caught is too high without Oakley as my lookout. By midnight, I head to bed and sleep evades me. A million things are running through my mind. Is she pulling away because of our secret or because she doesn't want to be with me anymore?

The thought makes my stomach feel like a hollow pit that has just been excavated, leaving me raw and exposed. I close my eyes and remember all the times we've spent together—the midnight visits, that first weekend, our secret lunch meetings. No, if there's one thing I'm sure of it's her feelings for me. So whatever is causing her to pull back, it isn't me. I lie awake and watch as the moon rises and sets. When there is a faint light peeking over the horizon, I recheck my phone.


I take a shower and know what I'm about to do is reckless. I'm about to possibly tear apart two families, years of friendship, but I have to. I love Oakley, and I need her to know that. I need to man up and tell her parents the truth.

As I dress, I take care not to look too old, or too young and brush my hair before dabbing some moisturizer on my face. I know I’m procrastinating, but I can’t exactly burst into their house at eight in the morning and drop this bombshell on them.

At just before nine Vayda asks me if I have a date. I evade her question and laugh it off. She’s on her way to meet her boyfriend for breakfast. I’m grateful knowing she won’t be here to witness what I’m about to do.

Shortly after Vayda leaves, I take a deep breath and head over the fence. I notice Oakley standing at the kitchen window as I make my way toward the kitchen door. She flings the door open, looking cute as fuck with messy tousled hair and sleepy eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she asks me distraught, tightening the belt on her robe.

“It’s time,” I say, pushing past her into the kitchen.

Oakley grabs my arm and gives me a pleading look. “No, you can’t now. We need to talk about this first.” She’s pleading, her eyes two big pools blue begging me not to do this.

I clench my teeth and fist my hands at my sides. “Oakley, baby. We have talked about this. It’s time.”

I walk past her into the living room where John and Sarah are having their morning coffee while watching the news.

“John, Sarah, I’m sorry to bother you so early, but we need to talk.”

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