Page 35 of Someone to Love

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‘Dr Jayakrishna, you mean?’ Jennifer asked, pronouncing his name with ease and familiarity.

Koyal stilled, feeling blood drain out of her face. A million little bombs exploded in her brain. And she felt she could start crying with relief.

‘Atharv,’ she said, trying hard to keep both the curiosity and the excitement in check. ‘Was he here?’

‘He is your friend?’ Jennifer asked, looking at Koyal as if she had been wanting to ask her this for a long time.

Koyal nodded. ‘Since we were babies,’ she heard herself add.

‘Aah,’ said Jennifer, now smiling, ‘it all makes sense now.’

Koyal looked quizzically at Jenn


‘He came in twenty minutes after you were admitted by,’ Jennifer looked at the notes, ‘Arjun and Hema Chandra.’

Koyal nodded.

‘He used to work with us sometime back. We have a world-class neuromedicine department and Dr Jayakrishna was our star resident for a brief stint before, of course, London came calling,’ she said, smiling. ‘So when he came in, all worried and ruffled, which was quite unlike him because he really is the calmest man I have ever met, asking after you and requesting to see you immediately, of course he was allowed.’

‘Really?’ Koyal’s heart was beating faster now.

‘When he came in, your situation was quite critical, to be honest. We just couldn’t control your blood pressure, it was fluctuating like a sine curve.’


‘Like a mad sine curve. And he just came in, looked at the chart and had a quick word with the doctor. And then, just like that, he held your hand.’

Koyal could only stare open-mouthed.

‘And your blood pressure seemed to stabilize just a tiny bit.’


‘I know, crazy,’ said Jennifer, laughing. ‘The longer he held your hand, the more stable it became and the lower it got.’

Koyal could only stare at Jennifer.

‘I heard that the doctors don’t really have an explanation for what was happening but it was the only thing that seemed to work. So he stayed.’

‘He did what?’ asked Koyal, now biting her lips for she didn’t want to start crying.

‘He sat by your bed for seventeen hours just holding your hand.’

Koyal stilled.


‘Yes,’ said Jennifer, staring at the flushed face of the young Indian woman.

‘Is he around still?’ Koyal asked, her heart thumping fast.

‘He left as soon as your BP seemed to stabilize on its own.’

‘Did he leave a message?’

‘I am sorry, no, love,’ said Jennifer, looking intently at Koyal. She was on her way out when Koyal called after her.
