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She watched him walk away, focused on that fine ass of his and wondered for a moment, just let herself indulge in a taboo fantasy, what he might be like in bed. What would it feel like to have Kurt and Liam taking her together, making love to her?

Aware of her heated cheeks, she watched the couples on the dance floor instead of Zak and Drina. Perhaps she would’ve been able to pay attention if she hadn’t heard Zak say, “Come on over here and take what you want. I dare ya.”

And Drina’s reply?

“Maybe one day I’ll take that dare.” She then giggled like a schoolgirl, squeezed by him and went to the dance floor all alone.

“Good Lord, your sister has me by the balls.” Zak massaged his neck and

his eyes filled with unmistakable lust as he watched Drina move. Their connection was obvious and Coco knew them both well enough to know there wasn’t anything about either of them that was all for show.

Sure, Drina was playing him like a finely tuned instrument, working him over as she moved to the song, but the connection was there. She couldn’t deny it and apparently Zak couldn’t either.

Zak halfway turned to Coco, but he couldn’t avert his gaze, he seemed swept away in Drina’s movements, enchanted by her very presence. “How do I get her to—” He moistened his lips and his eyes went heavy. He shifted in his seat. He was unable to talk for watching her!

Coco couldn’t help but smile to herself. Knowing both of them so very well, she realized in advance a tumultuous relationship awaited them if they ever connected.

If. She almost laughed aloud as Zak left his seat and walked to the edge of the dance floor as if he were hypnotized, gravitating—as her sister had predicted—Drina’s way.

Drina playfully crooked her finger back and forth, easing into the crowd as if to lure him away from where they could see them. Coco shook her head at the thought. Surely to God, Drina was smart enough not to fuck him on the first night.

Zak had enjoyed his share of those types and if Drina liked him, if she wanted to keep him coming back for more, the last thing she needed to do was fuck him there at the club known for fast hookups and raunchy dance floor sex.

Dragging her eyes away from the gyrating bodies, she returned her focus to the restroom doors where her men had disappeared a few minutes before. She questioned her own motives then. What kind of trouble was she inviting? Had she already crossed too many lines? Had she already made up her mind she wanted Liam and Kurt? And what about Brandon? How could she think about becoming romantically involved or intimate with his brothers without thinking of Brandon, too?

She needed to concentrate on her feelings and thoughts and leave Drina and Zak on the sidelines. Her sister was a big girl. She could take care of herself.

Besides, given her current predicament? Coco would do well to take care of herself.

* * * *

“I’m in love with her.” Liam washed his hands and watched Kurt’s back stiffen as he finished using the urinal and zipped up his pants.

“You think I haven’t already figured that one out for myself?” Kurt turned on the water and lathered his hands in soap. “I see how you look at her.”

“So where does this put us?”

“I don’t know,” Kurt said, finishing up at the sink. “Where do you want this confession of yours to put us? Surely you know I’m not backing down. I was between her legs this afternoon for a reason. I’ve waited for Coco for what seems like an eternity and took our friendship to the next level without reservations.”

Liam threw up his hand and shook his head. “I…I don’t want to hear about that.”

“You may not want to hear about it but it’s the truth, Liam. I care about her, too.”

“Do you love her?” Liam wasn’t sure if that mattered or not. Kurt had obviously made up his mind. He wanted her and he wasn’t planning to let her go anytime soon.

“Be sure you want the answers to the questions you ask or don’t ask them.”

Liam blew out a hard breath and butted his hips against the sink. Clutching the porcelain behind him, he said, “All right then. So now what? Where does it leave Coco and what about Brandon? Where is he in all this?”

“That little show this afternoon?” Kurt winced as if he were pained by the thought. “My guess is Brandon freed himself, not Coco. He used what happened with me to place some distance between himself and Coco. Do I think he’ll be back for Coco? Oh yeah. She’s his other half even though I’d love to have those same bragging rights.”

“You really believe that?” Liam didn’t want to think of Coco as Brandon’s other half. He knew it was possible. He had read enough literature and adages and dark poetry to know birds of a feather flocked together.

“Her father has mob connections, Liam. If you can’t accept who Coco is then you may want to ask yourself how involved you’re willing to become because she is a dangerous woman with unsavory ties. How tight are those? I don’t know, but I’m willing to bet Brandon could tell you and never forget the most important thing of all. She was at Mother’s bedside when Mom was killed. Mother died trying to save Coco’s life. And there was a reason for it. She thought she was instrumental to our family, but the family business meant more to her than anything else. Never forget that. Our mother liked dangerous games with dangerous men. She loved the power and she thought Coco was right for Brandon because she had high hopes he’d take over the family business.”

“Mom…what she did for Coco, saving her and all? She would’ve done that for anyone,” Liam said. “She was suffering, dying already. She didn’t mind to leave the world in heroic fashion because she didn’t have long to live anyway.”

“You and I had independent opinions of Mom,” Kurt said. “And none of that matters anyway. You followed me in here to find out what I want. I want Coco. Will I share her? I have a feeling I’m not the one who gets to make that decision.” He wadded up the hand towel and shot it in the wastebasket like a basketball. “But I’ll tell you this. I’m not moving aside. When I said she’d be in my bed tonight, I meant it. Now if you’re on one side of her and I’m on the other then so be it. I can’t change her mind about that if she’s already decided she wants us both.”
