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Chapter Eleven

All the lights were on upstairs. Four men paraded around the club, asking questions, demanding answers. When they didn’t hear what they wanted from those they felt could answer them, a fatal shot was fired. So far they’d killed four men and one woman, a woman who looked very similar to Drina.

“We have to do something,” Coco said, staring at Brandon. “We can’t just hide!”

“The authorities have been called. If we go up there now, it’s suicide!” Brandon raked his fingers through his hair.

“Do you think they thought that woman was me?” Drina stood in front of the large screen, pale and trembling.

Zak glanced at Kurt and then as if he read his mind and knew what he was thinking, he went to her, comforting her, assuring her it was all right. “Of course they didn’t think she was you. Are you kidding me? She didn’t hold a candle to you.”

Brandon was still on text, communicating with the Jackson brothers. A long green message rolled over his screen and Brandon read aloud. “‘Feds have been called. You guys aren’t going to see locals up there. We spoke to Kane Cartwell and Joshua McKay. They’re working to make sure something happens up there soon. Right now. Lay low. That’s all I can tell you. Better cut communications, too, in the event they have any of your cell phone numbers.’”

“Holy fuck. He’s right.” Liam shoved his hand in his pocket and turned off his cell phone.

Everyone else did the same, frantically trying to power down their phones.

“We’re too late,” Zak said, clutching Drina’s upper arm as he moved around her and pointed at the screen.

They stood there watching in absolute disbelief as one of the perpetrators screamed obscenities and pointed downstairs. Zak slowly inched forward, acting as if it pained him to turn up the volume.

“They’re still here,” one of them said.

“Drina’s sister is here. Her phone is in this building!”

Drina gasped. Her mouth fell open and a whimper tumbled from her lips. She backed away from the screen, apparently unable to comprehend what was happening then.

“Calm down,” Zak said, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “We got this but we need our women calm. Understand?”

“Our women?” Brandon mouthed to Kurt who only shrugged.

Kurt could’ve called that one from the starting gate anyway. He’d been right beside Zak when he first spotted Drina and he’d never seen anything quite like it. They were drawn to one another like some sort of extraterrestrial force. Incredible is what it was. It was insanely absurd but sort of sexy, too, just watching the two of them together.

There wasn’t a question in Kurt’s mind. They were destined to be together.

“Find the club owner,” said a burly fellow with a Jersey accent. “Find him and tell him we want their suite number and their security code.”

Brandon kept his eyes trained on the scene unfolding before them. “The owner can’t help them. No one has the security code except the suite owners. That’s the allure of these suites and why this private club has been named one of the best in recent lifestyle magazines. Security and privacy have been the driving force behind this club’s business.”

“On the chance there’s a way for them to get in here, we need to be ready.” Zak went to a gun safe that took up the entire coat closet. A few minutes later, he opened it with the combination.

As if they’d practiced and rehearsed there as much as they had at home, Liam, Brandon, Coco, and Kurt lined up and caught guns and boxes of ammunition. Standing side by side a few minutes later with cocked guns and weapons draping their bodies, the Blaziers and Coco were ready for anything.

Drina, who hadn’t been offered a firearm, went to the safe and chose her own weapon.

“You don’t have to do this,” Coco told her as she stood beside her.

“I know I don’t have to. But like you, I’m my father’s daughter. And apparently Daddy left us no other choice but to fight for one another.”

* * * *

It was four in the morning before the Feds stormed the scene. Their enemies had just located the hidden stairs which was underneath one of the tiles in the floor, but they hadn’t had time to trigger the release which would’ve allowed them entrance to the hallways.

Zak and Kurt turned on their phones at the same time. Both screens lit up with numerous messages which they read to the others. Brianna and her men had decided to leave town for a few days. Gemma was with them. Nory was safe. They’d spoken to the Cartwells. Kane and Joshua were responsible for the raid at Paddles and Picnics. Still, due to the “toys” they kept in their private suite, they might want to stay underground until midmorning, particularly since someone else could be out there watching for them. Cartwell had it handled with the Feds. They wouldn’t be looking for them there.

“Not exactly how I meant to spend my first night with Drina,” Zak said, smiling at the sleeping beauty curled up on the leather sofa an hour after they received news from the outside.

Kurt stroked his chin. “You know if you don’t rush things, if you let things happen as they should, you might be surprised what you could build with that one.”
