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“God, you’re whipped.”

“And you aren’t?”

Rex’s heart struck an extra beat as he watched Lucy welcome another guest, a late arrival there to support her husband. She greeted the woman with open arms. The driver’s wife must’ve felt welcome right from the start.

Luke watched her, too. He had this silly little grin stamped on his face.

Rex snapped his fingers in front of him. “You still with me?”

“Yes,” Luke replied, tilting his head toward Lucy. “And I plan to be with her for the rest of my life.”

“I never doubted that for a minute.”

* * * *

Luke and Rex said goodnight and farewell to the last of the commuting guests. When they turned to greet Lucy, she was walking down the front stairs toting an armful of linens.

“What are you doing?” Rex asked.

“One of the drivers left his nanny in the car because he didn’t want to ask for any favors until he was sure he signed with us.” She shook her head in disgust. “I told him he had less than five minutes to go drag her in here. I have a comfortable sofa, and I couldn’t stand to think of that little thing sleeping in the car.”

About that time, the driver and his nanny walked in the back door. Long blonde hair cascaded over thin shoulders. Sleepy blue eyes twinkled back at them, and the young woman had a body that wouldn’t quit.

“Nanny, hell,” Rex muttered. “Mistress is more like it.”

The driver heard him. He looked up and then took the girl by the hand and led her over to meet them. “Charlotte, meet Rex and Luke McDavid, my boss’s boyfriends. I’d also like to introduce you to Lucy Malone, my boss.” He paused and then added, “This is my little sister. My dad’s illegitimate daughter.”

Lucy blinked. Luke looked down at the floor.

Rex took the girl’s hand in his and said, “I’m pleased to meet you.” He didn’t offer an apology or an explanation for vocalizing assumptions. Instead, he tried to make her feel welcome. “Make yourself at home. We have a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator.”

“Which reminds me,” Luke said, pausing long enough to make eye contact with Rex. “I need to grab something out of the freezer.”

He disappeared and Lucy passed off the blankets and pillows. “You can sleep in the study. Rex, will you show Charlotte where she can put her belongings?”

“Come on,” he grumbled, leading the way.

Luke returned and waited by the door with Lucy. “I can’t believe you’d leave him alone with her,” he teased.

“First, he’s not alone. Charlotte’s brother is in there, too. Secondly, I trust him completely.” A beat later, she said, “Just like I trust you.”

“I’m glad.”

She glanced down at the baggie in his hand and said, “What on earth are you doing with that?”

“We have a surprise for you tonight.”

She couldn’t help but stare at the frost-covered bag. “Is ginger some kind of aphrodisiac?”

“This will become your favorite erotic poison,” he promised, a guttural edge in his voice. He waved the transparent ziplock in front of her face. “Trust me. You’ll love these fingers so much you’ll beg for more.”

Rex rejoined them. “We’re all set.”

“Did you read her a bedtime story?” Luke asked, teasing Lucy.

“No,” Rex deadpanned. “And you need to talk to that driver. He shouldn’t introduce his little sister as his father’s illegitimate daughter. Gal doesn’t have a lick of self-esteem.”

“Why Rex McDavid, I do believe you have a soft spot for the underdog,” Lucy said quietly.
