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“I can’t do this,” she blurted out without further consideration. “You might get hurt.”

“I don’t think so,” Grant said, winking. “I haven’t met a dog yet that I can’t put down if the notion strikes me.”

“Either you want to get better or you don’t,” Blake told her gently. “If you do, we have a fail-proof way to ensure you’re protected. You won’t return to the drugs. You won’t see Kilo again. And you’ll be back to feeling like yourself sooner than you might think.”

“Why are you doing this again?”

“She’s stalling,” Grant muttered. “Come on, Blake. We can’t help her if she’s unwilling to help herself.”

“Wait!” she exclaimed as they turned to walk away. “I’ll do it.”

They didn’t wait for her to change her mind, and they didn’t ask her if she was sure. Instead, they swapped one of those knowing stares men often share.

Then, they pursued her.

* * * *

“What happened to the nap you promised me?” Morgan asked as Blake secured her arms, binding her hands to the bedposts.

“You said you needed to lie down. We said as soon as you gave us an answer, you could. Did we tell the truth or not?”

She set her jaw. “I’m not well enough for this.”

“You’re not sick,” Grant said. “That’s what used to drive me insane about my brother. In his final days, he acted as if he were terminally ill. Yes, you are unwell because you have a drug problem. Yes, you’re an addict. But you aren’t terminally ill. You aren’t dying, and if you were ever in any immediate danger, it was when you were detoxing by yourself. You surviv

ed that. You’ll survive anything.”

“Even this?” she asked, her gaze darting between men.

“Especially this,” Blake said, his lips hovering over hers as he propped up her head, placing a short stack of pillows under her neck and shoulders.

“I don’t have the energy I used to have,” she said, squirming as Grant grabbed her right leg.

He removed her sandal and caressed her ankle. “You’re so thin, Morgan.”

“She needs to put on some weight,” Blake agreed.

“I eat.”

“What? Lettuce and a carrot?” Grant asked, tying her leg to a post. When he secured the other one, he added, “Ah hell, I forgot how limber you are.”

The longing strummed through his voice as his fingers marched up and down her lower leg. His ravenous touch heated her pussy, making her yearn for more.

“I didn’t,” Blake said, moistening his lips. “She could work those legs better than a pretzel twists.”

Grant jerked. “Hmm, I can’t remember.”

“Liar,” Blake said, chuckling.

His lips skimmed across hers. Morgan found herself stretching for a better sample, a little peck to let her know this was more about her and their feelings for an old love they’d never forgotten rather than about making her well, keeping her sober.

“How do you think I can get away if Kilo comes here?” she asked, yanking her arms up and sideways only to discover there was very little play in the rope securing her. “You’ve tied me up and left me vulnerable.”

“Do you see either of us leaving this room?” Grant asked.


“Then don’t doubt either one of us again,” Grant said, tickling her toes.
